Chapter 1 - Abuse

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"Cathy! get up you stupid bitch!" my so called mother dragged me off the bed making me land face first onto the hard spruce wood floor with my bed cover still wrapped around my legs, I really didn't want to go the school with another bruise on my body that I'd have to hide.

"You're going to make you brother late for school so get up!" she shouted as she slammed my bedroom door shut 'I really need to to put a lock on that door' I thought to myself. I got up from the floor and place my bed covers neatly back on my bed, my room was like an old castle, the walls were painted and dark grey with gold leaf patterning all over it and my curtains were black silk that turned a silvery color every time the sun shone on them. My bed was a queen size and had black duvet covers with diamond like silver in two strips at the top of the duvet, the pillows had the same patterning with four dark spruce wood poll's that led halfway up to my ceiling with a red cloth like material that connected all four poll's. I quickly got changed into one of my black tank tops with a colorful skull on the front and a pair of navy blue ripped shorts with chains hanging from each of my sides into my front pockets with light black diamond shaped tights and a pair of black knee high converse with purple laces and ran down stairs as fast as I could knowing I would get a beating if I didn't hurry up and get Jake to school in time.

I parked the car in the school's parking lot and got out as fast as I could before the bell went, when large hands held me back by my arms "what the-? Jake let go or we'll be late." I struggled to get out of his hold on my arms "that's the hold point" he gave me an evil smirk just as I heard the bell go "are you trying to get our parents to beat me!?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Their your step-parents and you could say that." he let my arms go and I immediately dashed to the school entrance, I got there just in time before they started giving late notes out. The hallways were almost empty when I got to my English class.

"Miss L'trie." I shivered with disgust at my adopted last name as the teacher called the register "here" I mumbled. The door to the classroom opened and the principal walked in with another person trailing behind him, he was talking to the teacher about something while the guy behind him took a look around until his eye landed on me. I don't know what it was but there was something about him that didn't feel normal, he had blackish brownish hair that swayed to the left of him head and his eyes were a brilliant emerald green, he had skin tanned to perfection. He looked so normal yet something in his eyes told me he wasn't, like he was empty "looks like we have a new student, what's your name son?" The teacher asked him as he kept eye contact with me "Andrew." he replied. The teacher gave him a confused expression until he saw what Andrew was staring at, me. "Why don't you take a seat next to Catherine seen as you seemed you to staring at her." the teacher whispered to him but I could still hear what he said and started to blush as he came and sat in the seat opposite my right.

When the bell finally went I dashed out of the room before Andrew had a chance to speak to me, I felt a little bad at first but got over it when I finally met my friends for lunch. There were not that many in my group of friends but we all shared the same thing in common, we were all nickname the freaks of the school when we first started here and have kept it that way even since, not trying at all to get a different rank as people called it, but lets just say that we were the lowest rank. We all headed to a small café a few block from the school and ordered the same thing an extra milky cappuccino and sat down at one of the tables in the corner of the cafe. I sat in the very corner with Phoebe and Jackie sat next to me and Luca, Jade and Abbie sat the other side of the table. "So what's new besides the football team winning a game?" Jade asked with a slight pissed expression on her face. I cant blame her, none of us like football and everyone in the school was talking about it "there's a new guy in my English class" I mumbled as Jackie's eyes went huge "ow do tell, what's his name?" she asked acting like she had a crush on him already "Andrew-" I was cut mid sentence as he walked through the door of the cafe and straight to the counter, taking a look around the cafe just like he had done in the classroom earlier and just like that he spotted me sitting in the far corner of the cafe with my friends by my side. "You know what? I think i'm gonna head back early I'll see you guys later" I said keeping my gaze on Andrew as Phoebe and Jackie let me out of my seat.

I continued to walk slowly down the pavement while listening to 'Kill everyone' by Hollywood undead on my way back to school when a hand grasped my shoulder, scaring the hell out of me "wow hey, didn't mean to scare you just then." a voice said from behind me. I turned around only to come face to chest, as I looked up I saw Andrew look down at me with his empty emerald green eye's "it's ok." I replied with a shaky breath but he didn't seem to notice and smiled "good, do you mind if I walk you back to school?" he asked, I stayed silent for a moment before answering with a nod of my head "yes."

He was silence for a while, almost as if he was spaced out and his shining green eyes had become glazed over with some sort of grayish mist, after he finally came back we were almost at the schools parking lot. "So what music do you like to listen to?" he asked me with kindness in his voice which to me was a little weird seen as I didn't know him so well "Hollywood undead and Paramore, what about you?" I asked my voice becoming quiet "I don't really listen to music, I prefer..." his voice trailed off making me even more suspicious of him. "What?" I asked.

"What do you mean what?"

"What do you prefer?"

"I don't get it."

"Never mind... what about your birthday, when's that?"

"June 8th, and you?"

"May 6th."

"So it's this weekend, what times the party?"

"I'm not allowed one."

"Wha-? Why not?"

"Because my stupid step-family won't allow it."

"Shame, why don't you go out with your friends and I'll come."

"Ye and then get beaten for it." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" he asked as we walked through the doors of the school "nothing, i'll see you later." I left his side and went to my locker to get my books for the last lessons of the day.

I fell to the floor clutching my stomach to stop the pain that I was being given from another beating "THE NEXT TIME WE TELL YOU NOT TO MAKE JAKE LATE YOU DO AS WE SAY!" my step-father roared as he kicked my side making me fall back on the floor "honey try to keep it down, someone might hear" my step-mother whispered from beside my step-father "you heard your mother, shut it!" he said in a low voice.

After the beating I went to take a shower letting the warm water flow down my face and body. Just a few more years Cathy, just a few more years, I kept telling myself over and over again wishing that those years would pass already.

After showering I dried my hair and changed into a plain black tank top, ripped jeans, spiky black and gold belt and a pair of regular black converse. I walked down stairs ready for dinner, once I sat down at the table I was quickly joined by Jake who had a smug look on his face. 'What?' I mouthed to him but he just replied with 'I'm not doing anything' so I left the dining table and went back to my room for a bit, just as I was about to closed the door something blocked it and when I saw what it was, it was Jake's foot. I ignored him and went to sit down on my bed as he continued to stand in my doorway "what do you want?" I asked really not in the mood after what happened earlier "I'm surprised you're still standing after years of beatings." he said smirking.

"Well unlike some people, I don't quit, now if you excuse me Jake I would like to be alone." I gritted through my teeth as he was really starting to piss me of just by standing in the same room as me. He ignored what I said answer took a step into my room and closed the door "what's the matter Cathy, you wanna be alone so you can cry?" He mocked me and my blood started to boil.

Something inside me snapped and it was as if I could see some sort of new meaning in life like a spirit guiding me. I stared at Jake and thought about how much pain he had caused me over the years just by himself, that's when he was thrown back against my bedroom wall closest to the door, i stood there in shock what the hell just happened? Jake stared at me with wide eyes and began to choke, the sound of someone choking was too much for me even if it was Jake i still couldn't stand watching or hearing them suffer from who knows what, some invisible force.

I ran out of my room and legged it out the front door and headed to Lìved park...

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