Chapter Twenty

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He goes towards the bathroom and fixes his clothes to look more presentable, as if nothing had happened. I grab new clothes from my shelf and put them on. I put the dirty ones on the bottom shelf in a pink basket labeled 'Laundry'. I don't want those clothes back. I will never look at them or wear them the same ever again. I can't believe that actually happened. He steps out of the bathroom and looks at me. "Nice chat." He winks at me, before opening the door and walking into the hallway, leaving the door open.

I look at my hands. This is real. I'm real. That all actually happened. My legs begin to buckle and I collapse to the floor. I can't believe this...

I'm so useless... worthless...

I'm stupid for letting that happen.

I'm stupid for waking up this morning.

I'm stupid for ever letting him in the room to begin with.

I'm just all around stupid.

I don't feel like getting up from the cold floor. At least it makes me feel dead. The chilled tiles making my heated cheeks and body feel dead and weak. I love it. But I hate this.

I just wish I was back home... on the secret roof I know too well. The one where I was almost successful, but wasn't. So I could be there and actually feel safe... and secure. And feel like I'm the only one who exists on this planet. Coming up with stupid scenarios in my mind, such as: I'm the only one alive in the world and I go to every store to see they're all abandoned and take that as an opportunity to go to every game store and play all of my favorite video games for hours on end. But I can't. It's fun to imagine, though.

The worst part about my current scenario was...

This wasn't my imagination.

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