-Drive me back home!" He frowned and crossed his arms.

"I won't drive you back unless you go dance with me!" 

          I looked at him and he seemed serious. I just rolled my eyes and opened the car's door. He did the same thinking I would be going his way but hell no! I just turned right away and started looking for a Taxi. Taemin saw me so he just lifted me and put me on his shoulder.  I was hitting his shoulder, begging him to let me down as he was going up the studio stairs.

"Taemin, I'm serious! PUT ME DOWN!

-No! We are going in no matter what you say!

-Put me down!"  He finally did when  we reach the dance studio. I wanted to go away but he wasn't letting go of my wrist.

"Just an hour Tiana!

-No! I can't dance!"  He looked at me skeptically and just scoffed.

"You, You can't dance?! Are you kidding me?

-I'm serious Taemin! I can't dance.

-So what about the night we went to the club? You dance with Sehun, right?

-Right but it was one dance and I was tipsy. I don't control myself when I'm tipsy! Seriously Taemin, If I dance with you right now, I won't be able to sleep tonight!" He scanned me, looking for any bit of lie but I was only saying the truth.

"Why can't you dance?

-I...I had an accident, ok? I injured my shoulder and it never really have healed and won't anyway so..."  He looked at me with pitiful eyes. I hate when people look at me like that.

"Stop looking at me like that! Just bring me back to the apartment."

         As I was turning around to go down the stairs he pulled me in the opposite direction, dragging me farther in the studio. I was trying to take back my hand but he was stronger than me. I swear during a second I thought about biting him but decided to avoid any bad situation like that since some dancers were practicing not far, we could heard the music.

"Taemin, I told you I can't dance! Why are you still dragging me into this building?!

-I have something to show you.

-I don't care just bring me back home! I'm hungry and tired."  

          He kept on dragging me until we came in front of a wall full of posters. I looked at them and my eyes stopped on one. Taemin let go of my wrist and I went closer to the poster. It was giving me so much feelings. Nostalgia, sadness, happiness... It was really strange but was the strangest was that they actually kept this poster.

"They kept it...Why?

-Kai made a scene for them not to remove it and then it became a famous thing. The new dancers made a ritual of it.

-A ritual?

-Yes, They were coming and touching the poster before going to the rehearsals.

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