Chapter 128

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Arthur: Should I get (y/n) crutches or one of those scooter things you put your leg on

Matthew: You have stairS

Arthur: But crutches get annoying after a while and she can go really fast on the scooter

Alfred: What does your insurance cover tho

Arthur: Both

Alfred: Hmmm

Alfred: Her boyfriend can carry her up the stairs get her a scooter

Alfred: She gotta go fast

Arthur: Knowing her she'll figure out a way to get up the stairs by herself. Still, getting the scooter up the stairs too would be annoying...

Matthew: She has a boyfriend and you watching her at all times. I think she'll be fine.

Matthew: She gotta go fast

Alfred: Also with that boot thing they gave her when she got her cast of she can probably walk a bit


   "What's that?" You asked as Arthur burst into the room with a grin, a weird device on wheels beside him. "A scooter for your leg!" He said happily as he wheeled it toward the bed, "It's better than crutches."

  "But stairs." You frowned. "We can help you with stairs. Come try this out!" Arthur smiled. "Who's 'we'?" You mumbled as you swung your legs, the left one still broken but now with a boot instead of a cast, over the edge of the bed and slowly pushed yourself to your feet. "Careful." Your dad said gently as he rushed to take your arm and steady you. "I can do it myself." You muttered, attempting to shrug off his hand as he led you to the scooter. You eyed the thing curiously. With a sigh, you lifted your bent leg and placed your knee on the cushion, shifting your weight to the scooter. "See? Not so bad. Let's go to the hallway." Arthur laughed, holding open the door for you. You slowly pushed yourself past him to the hallway, an expression of concentration on your face. 

   The hallway was empty, and you looked around as if calculating your route. "Go on!" The Brit urged, pulling out his phone. You looked back to him before pushing off with your good foot and racing down the hallway.

Arthur: She's going fast, as you insisted.

He sent a slightly blurry photo of you rushing down the hallway, already far away from him by the time he got the photo.


Matthew: whoosh there she go

   "Slow down!" Arthur said worriedly as you spun around quickly, a grin plastered on your face.

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