Chapter 118

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Arthur: Hello.

Lukas: Hey there

Lukas: I'm assuming you found out what Emil got (y/n)?

Arthur: Yes. 

Lukas: Did you snoop?

Arthur: Yes...

Arthur: Did you know about it?

Lukas: We helped him pick it out. It was Tino's idea.

Lukas: You're probably going to say they're too young, right?

Arthur: What yes

Lukas: Lmao promise rings don't really mean anything besides, "I really really like you"

Lukas: Stuff happens. They're not going to be old enough to get married for 5 or 6 years, and by that time they'll probably be broken up anyway.

Arthur: I supposed you have a point.

Lukas: Also it'd be very inconvenient if you hanged the poor romantic loser. He's our free babysitting.


   "Which one is the one that isn't either of those?" You asked. "Bulbasaur. But Squirtle is better." Matthew sighed. "Lies. Pick Charmander." Alfred said, pointing to a pokeball on the 8-bit table. "I'm gonna look it up." You muttered, pulling out your phone. "Noooooooooo!" Alfred whined, "You gotta go with your gut! That's the whole point!"

   "I don't make important decisions with my gut." You replied. "You made the gut decision to trust Arthur!" Alfred pointed out, only to receive a horrified look from Matthew. "Why would you say that!?" The Canadian exclaimed, but you only shrugged. "Good point." You mumbled, closing your eyes and looking up toward the ceiling while you pressed the buttons on the ancient Gameboy. "I pick....


   "Aww." Alfred pouted. "I never tried Bulbasaur," Matthew said cheerily, "This should be fun."

  "That fucker picks the fire lizard?" You muttered angrily. "It's a dinosaur, not a lizard." Alfred said matter-of-factly. "But Charmander sounds like salamander. And you said the dragon he turns into is called Charizard, right? That's lizard." You said, looking at him curiously. The American's eyes widened, and he looked ahead blankly. "She's right! It is a lizard!" Matthew said triumphantly. "Holy shit." Alfred whispered, "I've been lied to."

   Just as you were about to name your Bulbasaur something horrifically innapropriate, a knock came from the door. "I'll get it." You called upstairs, setting your Gameboy on the coffee table and approaching the door with your blanket around your shoulders. Without looking through the peephole, you opened the door and your eyes widened. Ettore was standing there, a grin on his face and a box in his hand. "Ciao!" He said excitedly, "Sono venuto a visitare!" (I came to visit!)

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