Gets His Own Damn Holiday

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Flash Day Ceremony

Dakota, Matty, and Derek stepped out of the SUV. Kota had a black bag over her shoulder and Derek had a pair of spotter binoculars around his neck. Dakota's hat was on backwards and she had sunglasses over her eyes.

"Keep your eyes open. Matty you stay on the ground, Derek and I will go up top." Dakota ordered and started to walk towards a tall building looming over the ceremony.

"You expecting trouble?" Cisco asked Joe.

"I'm a cop. I always expect trouble. But now I expect flying monsters." Joe grumbled and saw Dakota heading towards them. "She's expecting something."

"Didn't Singh say something about that?" Cisco asked and Joe nodded. "Have you forgiven her yet?"

"No. Have you?" Joe looked at him.

"I don't know." Cisco shrugged as they watched Dakota and Derek head to a high building.

Dakota set up her rifle on the rooftop and Derek laid down next to her with the spotting scope, "Alright eyes sharp. He should be here somewhere."

"No wind. All clear." Derek said peeking through the scope.

Dakota began scanning the crowd for the suspect, "Got him. Matty your 3 o'clock. I can't get a clear shot. Too many people."

"I'll see if I can talk to him." Matty went over to the suspect. "Don't come down."

Dakota's phone rang, "Joe I'm busy."

"What is the FBI doing here? Singh said something but didn't specify." Joe replied.

"It's classified. I have to go." Dakota tossed her phone into her bag and continued to look through the scope. "Matty he's escalating. I need to take the shot." She moved her finger to the trigger, "Make sure you secure that detonator."

"You don't have to do this. Please." Matty begged. "This isn't right."

Dakota peered through the scope and looked for an opening. A balloon hovered right by the bomber's head. She glanced down to see a five year old boy held onto the balloon careful not to let it float into the sky. She sighed and watched Matty attempt to talk him down. The bomber whipped out a pistol from his waistband, pointing it at Matty. Dakota squeezed the trigger and let the bullet fly. It popped the balloon the poor kid was holding onto.

The bomber was instantly dead, as he fell Matty raced forward and secured the detonator. Kota put her sunglasses back on and raced down to the ceremony. She had to push through the chaos to get to the body.

Dakota saluted to Barry showing him that everything was okay.

"Jesus Christ." Joe murmured.

Dakota heard him and looked over in his direction. Her sunglasses covered the guilt expression that she had in her face because he and Cisco had to watch what she had just done.

"Wires cut. Detonator secure." Matty said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Let's get CSU down here." Dakota stood up turning her face away from her old friends and watched Barry get his ass kicked by a metahuman.

"Aren't you gonna help him?" Matty asked.

"With a guy that's twenty feet tall?" Dakota pointed to him. "That's beyond my control."

Dakota walked over to Barry who was on the ground in pain and held out her hand. He grabbed her hand and stood to his feet.

"Sorry about the mess." Kota murmured.

Barry shrugged and patted her shoulder, "Ah it's okay. We can talk about it later."

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