"Yeah, I know. I wasn't thinking clearly this morning when I agreed to it. Do you have any idea who it could be?" I asked hoping to get a name or two back.

"Oh, I think I do know who it is. Well, it's more pretty much everybody has a good idea who it is. You are literally the only one who doesn't have an idea." He said chuckling. What?! Was I the only one that didn't know? How could that be? We are so close and we spend pretty much everyday now together. I feel so stupid now.

"Who is it?" I said just wanting the answer so badly.

"Oh, I'm not going to tell you. I like this game that you two are playing. I want to sit back and just watch how things evolve." He told me. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get any answer back from him. The bell rang giving us the sign that first period was over. We all started to run out of the class to then just start walking to the next.

** Kathy's P.O.V. **

I was sitting in my seat barely paying attention to Mr.Bakke's explanation of the Russian Revolution. It's not like he was a boring teacher, rather the opposite. He knew how to make stuff interesting putting puns all over the place. It's just that I really hated European History. I just never found it so important, especially to need to know all the details. I for sure wasn't seeing history being a major impact in my future as a job. Well, I was paying less attention than usual, that's all because of Oli.

Ever since I thought about that stupid deal, I have been just anxious the whole time. I just can't figure out who he could possibly like. Then at the same time, I was so afraid that somehow he would understand that I like him. I mean, after all that's the point of the deal. In the end he will find out and I'm afraid it's going to ruin our friendship.

So far the only hints I received from him was that she was in our grade and she listens to a lot of music. I mean, in our grade almost everybody listens to music on a daily basis. I guess there were about what, maximum 5 people that I never see them with earphones? Well, at least I could mentally cancel them out from the list of suspects. I wonder how many hints it's going to take for me to find out how this special girl was. Honestly, I wish it was a lot more easier than this.

"We can say, that they found their window of opportunity open." Mr.Bakke said, opening the window next to him. I couldn't help but laugh. I know it was such a terrible pun, but it got me. He always makes puns like these that are able to grab my attention for a minute or two. It's obvious that he loves his job and it made me happy.

Zahara was sitting next to me laughing along. We both found this kind of shit hilarious and amazing. Well, he was even one of the only teachers to try and make their subject more interesting. I looked at the clock and noticed there were only a few minutes left before the time was up. Maybe she could give me some help.

"Hey Zahara" I grabbed her attention.

"Yea?" She asked me.

"Do you know who Oli likes?" I asked her nervously. She half smiled.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Why are you so curious?" She avoided the question by giving me another one.

"Oli and I made a deal. We're trying to figure out who each other likes." Before I could ask for her help she butted in.

"And you like Oli, don't you?" She asked me confident about herself. I felt my cheeks blush and my mouth dry. I tried to answer back but Zahara continued. "I knew it! I was just waiting for the moment you were going to admit it to yourself!" She started fingerling in the middle of class. I hushed her down before she would start grabbing attention from the rest of the class.

"Ok yeah whatever, do you know who he likes?" I asked her just waiting an answer. She shook her head.

"Oh dear, I do know the answer. But I won't tell. You have to figure it out yourself. Or else what fun would it be if I just give you the answer." She told me. I rolled my eyes. I can't believe it. This bitch knew who he likes, but won't tell me. It could have ended now if she told me but nope. I have to sit here and consume all my brain cells to just have a guess of who it could be. I felt my phone buzz, I unlocked it knowing right away how it was.

From: Oli <3

Time's up, I'm ready for my next hint.

I didn't even know what to text him back. I looked at Zahara desperately but she just shrugged her shoulders. I sat there for a few seconds to think about what I could say. One I got it, well pretty much stole it from Oli's previous hint but whatever. I started texting him back.

To: Oli <3

My next hint is: he listens to a lot of music too. Now can I have mine please?

From: Oli <3

Oh c'mon! That doesn't count, I already said that.

To: Oli <3

Fine how about at turns we can only give one hint and the other person can agree or disagree. That way we know both sides and we don't have to complain when we use that hint again. So, mine is: he's 17 years old.

From: Oli <3

Uh yeah, I guess it's better like that. She is 17 years old too.

I closed my phone after I read the last message. I right away knew some of the girls in senior year that were already 18, for example Zahara. I wonder how much time it will take me before I understand who it is. Well, I mean, if the hints as generic as this it's going to take forever. It's not like I can give him very specific hints. I can't, the longer it takes for him to realize that i like him, the better.

** Oli's P.O.V. **

During third period I just sat there the whole time with my phone in my hands. I was just waiting for the text to arrive. I had to say this was a lot more difficult than I was expecting it to be. The hints weren't something that could have easily make a name pop up in your head. They could only eliminate a few names but other than that, nothing.

There was a part of me that just wanted to go up to her and just scream my feelings for her. Luckily, there was still a part of consciousness in my head. It would just be stupid of me to. Especially when I know she has a crush on someone. Whoever that guy was, he was for sure lucky.

As the hour went by, I couldn't think about anything else. It was stronger than me. I don't know what's going to happen to our friendship when she finds out. I just really hope she won't start to avoid me. Even if things may become really awkward, to just try and continue along like nothing. Now that we agreed to go on with only a hint per hour, it made me so relieved. I didn't have to stress out as much now to think of a new hint every hour. Well, I do now, but I can literally just say anything and then the next time it would be her turn.

I looked back at the time and noticed there was less than a minute left. Oh god, Oli think of a hint that won't give anything away. Something simple yet that seems like it wasn't the first thing that came to your mind. I felt my phone buzz.

From: Kathy <3

Uhhh, still got no idea. Give me the next hint please.

To: Kathy <3

Same here.The next hint is: She has brown eyes

From: Kathy <3

Ok, he has brown eyes too. I guess we have our hint for the hour. See you at lunch.

Brown eyes huh? Well, that helped me a bit, since about 10 people in our grade had blue or green eyes. I looked around in the classroom and stared at the various guys with brown eyes, trying to not seem so obvious. In the class about 6 guys followed all of Kathy's hints. Could it be one of them? I slowly started to write their names down on a piece of paper. If I needed to figure out who this person was, I needed to start thinking about it more seriously. I'm going to put some effort into this and I'm going to find out who it is. 

** I hope you guys liked the chapter. So, I just got my first tattoo. It's a tiny cute semicolon on the inner side of my wrist. I think most of you guys know the meaning but if for some reason you don't it's part of the Semicolon Project, made for people who struggle or struggled with depression, self harm, anxiety, etc. It's so tiny but yet contains a huge meaning and I absolutely adore it. Feel free to give me any kind of advice. ** 

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now