Brindle thought about the fire ball Kendrick had produced and was grateful she’d reacted quickly enough to get out of its path.  Then she came to the moment when she stopped Kendrick in his tracks and was truly shocked that she had been able to do so.  She saw how her hold slipped twice before she took control and looked at it from an analytical perspective realising that once she believed she could do it she had.

She watched as the breeze drifted in through the window and encompassed him, binding him in place.  She was amazed not so much that she’d stopped him but at the fact that she was able to banish him, sending him back to hell and preventing him from ever setting foot in this world again.  For a moment she was in awe of the power she had wielded, then she was just grateful that she’d succeeded, that they were all alive and well.

The thought of ‘power’ came to her again and as she considered it and the fact that this ‘power’ would grow as her knowledge and belief in herself did, she realised why they wanted her… why Kendrick’s Master had sent him for her.

A cold shiver ran down Brindles’ spine and she started to shake.  She turned her head and Marcus was standing in the doorway, concern written over his face.  He stood silently waiting for her to speak, knowing that she had been sorting out the information from the day.

“Holy crap Marcus!”  She stared at her Guardian wide eyed, her heart pounding.  “It’s possible isn’t it?  I could turn… to evil, I could join them?  It’s happened before hasn’t it?” 

Without realising she’d done so, Brindle searched his mind and drew in a sharp breath when she felt his reaction to the first time she became really angry with him.  She felt his shock and the realisation that as good hearted and kind as she was, evil could possibly take hold.  She saw and felt his fear and she stared at him in horror, tears streaming down her face.

“Move forward in my thoughts little one, do not stay with the fear I felt for you.  You are so much more than any of us assumed you would be.  You are kindness and compassion and you are genuine in your caring and your need to do what is right.  No evil is powerful enough to sway you to its cause.”

Brindle looked at him fear in her eyes, she needed reassurance, and she needed to know that this could never be a possibility for her.

“Marcus…” she said and couldn’t find words to go on. 

Marcus sat on the side of her bed taking her hands in his, “It is alright little one, there is no need to fear, you proved that to yourself when you told Kendrick it would never be possible for you to turn to evil.”

He smiled at her gently and knew she wanted, needed more.  “You are right little one it has happened before, but that was very long ago and the ‘Keeper’ was no where near as strong or in tune with the elements as you are.  You know what is right, what is good and act accordingly, this ‘Keeper’ was lost to us before we had a chance to prepare her for any of what was to come.”

Brindle wiped at her eyes and said, “Marcus, how can you be so sure that I won’t end up the same way?” 

Brindles’ hair had fallen into her face and Marcus pulled it back gently and tucked it behind her ear.  “I know little one, I am part of you now, just as you are part of me.  I would feel it if you were capable of turning to evil… and you are not!”

Brindle moved forward needing comfort and put her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder she cried.  She needed his words of reassurance, she needed to hear that she was good, that she wasn’t capable of becoming what Kendrick or his Master wanted her to be.  And more than that, at that moment she needed the comfort of her Guardian’s arms, she needed to be held and to feel the warmth and strength of his body soothing her. 

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