Demigods React!!!

Start from the beginning

Nico: WILL SHUT UP!!!!!

They're all older than me, the one closest to my age is Hazel. Kind of.

Hazel: I'd be worried if you were my actual age!

Senka: So why the Hades are you dating Frank?

Frank: *blushes* well Hazel's pretty fit

I was sent to the Underworld to retrieve the demigod.

She was stuck, tied inside a hole right by a hole into Tartarus. She was about to get pushed in! A girl who didn't even know she was a freaking demigod! She must be terrified.

All demigods: Poor girl....

I ran up to her. She stared at me, there was fear in her eyes.

Senka: How much fear? As much fear as when I caught Travis and Katie making out?

Travis: Haha. So funny.

Katie: More fear definitely.

"What's happening?!" she shouted. "Where am I?!"

"Calm down, it's fine." I said, trying to calm her down. "I just need to untie you-WHOA!!!!" I lost my balance. I hung on the edge of the cliff, hanging above the death hole, as I like to call it.

Leo: Dam woman!

I carefully climbed up and untied her. We sprinted for our lives and I needed to get out of here, FAST. I tripped over a rock and flew forward. I landed in a cave, and the fall led me toward a huge box, so I quickly found some supplies and made a makeshift rocket thing.

Annabeth: Uh-huh. 'Cause that's always safe

Leo: You need McShizzle!

Jason: *rolls eyes* Shut up Leo!

I grabbed the demigod and ran toward my creation. We jumped inside, hoping not to get killed.

Senka: Yeah that always works. Hope not to get killed...

We blasted upwards out of the Underworld.

Nico: How? How the fu...?

We arrived right where we needed to, McDonalds. That was sheer luck. Somehow some unicorns caught us and someone inside, I'm guessing Sajcjsmalajdirbah, pointed at us. We flew toward them, and nothing happened as planned.

Percy: It's not luck, it's those bîtches called fate

Frank: *commentator voice* And Persassy has returned.

Senka's POV:
Chiron had sent me out of camp to keep an eye on the quest, yet still I wasn't part of it. I didn't really want to be-stuck with those Barbie dolls for weeks on end.

Piper: Ugh! Try living with the Aphrodite cabin!

Trailing after them was really easy I mean you could hear them shouting things like, "OMGZZZZ!" and, "Mai orbs!"
Also there was a path of make-up wherever they'd been.

Jason: Just wow!

Persassy: Honey, if you go on a quest don't leave obvious clues as to where you have been.

Annabeth: I worry for you Seaweed Brain

Finally after what? a week? No joking! In about half an hour I was there at McDonalds. I stepped out of the shadows I had been using as my shelter.

Will: That's Nico's way of hiding not yours!

Senka: Will Solace! I never asked for your opinion.

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