Departing Asgard.

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I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain

I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice that always is calling you

I am the voice, I will remain

I am the voice in the fields when the summer's gone

The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow

Ne'er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long

I am the force that in springtime will grow

I am the voice of the past that will always be

Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields

I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace

Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain

I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice that always is calling you

I am the voice

I am the voice of the past that will always be

I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice of the future

I am the voice, I am the voice

I am the voice, I am the voice."

Her mother always the image when she sings helps her sleep, there were times when she would sleep with her father just so she could hum to him and calm his troubled mind. But now that she was leaving she worried for him, getting up she walked to her chamber doors and opened them, the usual guard turned to look at her, "Majesty?" "Leif, I want you to please find lady Sif." he bowed and left his partner staying behind to do his job. Going back into her chambers she sat on one of the sun beds, to wait. Ten minutes passed before there was a knock. "enter." coming into the dimly lit chambers was Lady Sif the first female warrior.

She had come only because she wasn't told why, she didn't dare ignore the summons of the princess her temper was much worse than her father's. "Princess Thordis, I have come as you asked." the girl stood from her spot on the sun bed and gestured for the older woman to sit across from her. With quick and light steps Sif was seated and the conversation went on. "I have a favor to ask of you, you are however free to decline I would understand." the warrioress, pondered it for a moment before saying, "well tell me your favor and then I shall choose to decline or not." the Princess nodded. "I wish that you watch out for my father." Sif looked at her Princess, "Highness, I do look out for your father-"I wish it be doubled, please I do not wish him to be hurt in my absence."

The princess had reached over the little table in between the two to grasp Sif's hands. "Please, this is something only you can do, woman to woman only you can care for him in my absence. You need not use physical touch as a form of comfort just word of mouth and such." the young girl corrected when a look of embarrassment crossed the older woman's features. "Then I will do my best princess." the young golden blonde sighed in relief as one of her role models did her this favor. "Now rejoin the celebrations I wouldn't want you gone too long." she nodded and left the room with a bow and a little spring in her step.


{the next morning}

Standing at the Bifrost with her was her Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Sif and four other guards they saw the young princess off. As she stood in the gold dome she turned to where she would have to enter to leave Asguard. "Dis," she turned at the sound of her nickname. "Yes, Grandfather?" "Here take this with you." walking back over to her Grandfather he draped a pendent around her neck, it was smaller than a horse-shoe, and oval shaped, and looked like the midnight sky filled with stars and constellations. And in the center of it was carved in gold the crest of the house of Odin. The princess looked at it lovingly.

"Grandfather, it is beautiful. Thank you." he smiled down at his first and only grandchild. And reached out to her, holding her cheeks he leaned her head down to kiss her crown, setting a silent blessing of protection. "Be safe." he whispered to her, she giggled and nodded at the older man. Stepping back he let his queen say her good-bye. A kiss to each cheek and a set of new leather gloves as the girl's last ones were on the edge of falling apart. Hugging in thanks and good-bye she turned to her Father, "Papa, I...I'm going to miss you." she gasped out before throwing her arms around her father's neck. "I'm going to miss you too." stepping back she wiped her eyes and walked over to the Gate-Keeper and nodded to him.

Opening the Bifrost she stepped into the swirling bright light, she enjoyed the soring feeling of twisting and turning in the air, her helmet secure on her head, her blonde and braided curls whipping in the air along with her dark red cape. Mjölnir secure in her hand as she let her mind and the power of the Bifrost take her to Middle-Earth.

Gods, Dwarves, Elves and Heroes Oh My! (Hobbit/LotR & Marvel Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ