Mike and a fight.

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Ryan's POV

I know I have to do something. If I loose Marie I won't know what to do with myself.

Mai Lee was talking on the phone. 45 minutes was all we had. 45 minutes to save Mike.


Marie's POV

I was sat sulking in my room. Mike was being replaced by a total bully. Why?

I just want to be alone. I hate Carmen. I'm never speaking to her again.

Tee and Ryan then burst in.

"We need your help!" Ryan said.

"What? Why?!" I said, wiping tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand.

"We are getting everyone's help to find Mikes time sheets, prove he was overworked so that they let him off!"

"I'm in!" I said. We were basically going to turn the office upside down until we found the time sheets.


"Look!" Floss yelled. We all turned to look at her. "Mikes secret stash of biscuits!"

"Go keep watch!" I snapped.

As if on cue, Mai Lee walked in.

"What are you guys doing! Stop!"

"We were trying to find the time sheets!" I admitted.

"Their confidential! Tee, Kaz will you just stop please...!"

"Look Carmen!" Said Kazima. She held out a purple file with Carmen's photo on the front.

"My file! It's been here all along!"

"Mikes done nothing wrong! We need to call the panel!" I said.

We all turned to look at Mai Lee.

"They will need to see the file......COME ON!" Ryan held the door as everybody rushed out.

I was the last one. I grabbed his hand as I went passed, pulling him along with me.

We all clambered into the minibus! I hope we don't miss it I really really do!


"What if we don't make it?!" I panicked from my seat on the bus.

"It doesn't start for five more minutes!" Said Kazima as Mai Lee stopped.

"But what if they start early?!" Toni squeaked, panicking as much as I am!

"Wait for me to park" Mai Lee said to the cord of is that we're standing outside the window. She started driving away.

"Come on I'm not waiting here!" Said an exasperated Ryan as he grabbed my hand and began to run towards the building. Everybody else did the same. Carmen and Tee lead the way to the room where we thought the hearing was.

The sign on the door said 'meeting in progress' but we all just burst in anyway.

Much to my horror, it wasn't Mike on the other side.

"What on Earth...?"

"Sorry!" I said to the ma behind the desk before turning round and closing the door on my way out.

"Nice one Carmen. First you snitch on Mike then you take us to the wrong room!"

"Don't blame here!" Tee butted in.

"I'll blame her if I want! This is all her fault!"

"It's not my fault someone broke into the car!" Carmen denied.

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