Immortal Hope

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Hope is for the people who survive

The people who live


And the ones who have the drive

Hope is for the people who want

The people who yearn


And the ones who burn

Hope is for the children

The teens

The adults

And the ones in between

It's for you

The one who lives

The one who wakes in the morning optimistic



And trusting

The one who spends their time in love

In happiness

With change

And with wild spirits

Hope is for the forgotten


The left behind

And the mistaken

It's for the bright

The dark

And anyone in sight

Hope is for them



Hope belongs to the sinners

The heroes

The beginners

And anyone placed at zero

Hope belongs to all

Hope is everlasting

Even if it is small

Hope will always be broadcasting

All you need to do is listen


And hope will come

Hope will come. 

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