Past Aspiration

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Your body quivers from nerves

Your voice shakes as you speak

Your eyes close out of passion

Your lips turn into a curved smile

You are speaking


Filling with relief

You are emptying your brain of your thoughts unspoken

Thoughts unknown to your peers

Your family

Your friends

You are letting go

Releasing your soul from the leash it's had around it's neck

Releasing your breath for the first time in years

Releasing your ego and watching it sink into the river of doubt

You are my dream

My wish

My ultimate goal

You are what I want to become

What I need to change into

What I wish every night for

You are me

Me in another life

Another situation

Another world

You are me

But you are not

For I am corrupted

Corrupted from years of hurt that was visible to my eyes only

My eyes only

And I went through the hurt alone

It corrupted me

Made me cold

Made me care in secret

Made me mean on the outside

You are me, but you are not

You are me years ago

Before the hurt

Before the loneliness and longing

Before the corruption

You were me

And I want you back

I want you back for myself and myself only

I want to be happy again

I want to stray away from the insults and jests

I want to stray from the evil flashes in the familiar eyes

From the evil flashes in my own eyes

I want you back so I can decide who I am

I want to know if I am you


Or in between

I need you back so I can change



Other me, I want you back

I need you back.

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