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"Why did I get drag into this?" Alden asked confuse at the situation.

Marian looked at Heart, "We were invited, right? Lovi and Carla are already there", she looked at Alden, "I thought you've visited to see me? Since I'm going out, you're going with me as well. That will be easier for me, other than cancelling the lunch out".

An "Ahh..." was all Alden said. He can't argue with her sister if she's this excited to eat out.

Heart mumble, "You should have just cancelled"

Alden eyed her curiously. What's with her?

Luckily, Marian didn't hear what the younger girl said. Once they arrive at the parking lot, Marian went to her car.

Alden sits at the back while the two girls are in front, Heart in the passenger seat and Marian behind the wheels.

He let out a sigh and stares at the car window. He suddenly feels tired. It must be because whenever he is with his sister he felt that he's in his comfort zone. All he wants to do was to sleep and be comfortable.

He slowly closes his eyes. Just a couple of minute.

Marian parked her car at the back entrance of the restaurant. Heart went out of the car. She looked back at Alden but he was sleeping at the back.

She smiled and went out.

"Ate Yan, shouldn't we wake Alden first?" Heart asked when Marian was about to enter the restaurant.

Marian was about to answer when another car arrive. Heart's face turned grim upon seeing the vehicle, her reaction is a total opposite to Marian's face which lightens up upon seeing the new arrivals.

The owner of the vehicle went out. It was Jake Ejercito. He went out of the driver seat and on the passenger seat, Maine Mendoza went out.

"Ate Marian! Ate Marian!" Jake exclaimed seeing Marian.

He was about to hug Marian when Heart tap his forehead. "Finesse, Panda!"

"Heart!" he said then smile, "You're looking great as usual".

Heart crossed her arms. She didn't answer and just turned to enter the restaurant.

Jake rubbed his nape while pouting. Maine, who's standing beside him laughed.

"Ate Marian, you know, Maine, right?", Jake said introducing Maine.

Marian nodded and hug Maine as greetings, "How are you? Did you received my hi?"

Maine smile, "I'm fine. Glad to see you again, Ate Yan".

Marian's eye seems to sparkle when she said, "I just remember something", she looked at Maine, "I think I forgot something at my car, could you get it for me? It's at the back seat".

Even though surprise at Marian's sudden request Maine followed. She got the key from Marian and went to get the thing her Ate Marian forget.

Jake eyed Marian curiously, "Ate Marian, what are you up to?"

"Nothing, I just left something that's all", Marian said. She hold Jake's arm and urge him to enter the restaurant with her.

"But—Maine—", Jake tried to protest but was drag by Marian nevertheless.

Maine opened the car's backseat and got shocked upon seeing Alden's sleeping form. She tried to look at inside the car to check if anything may resembled whatever Ate Marian forgot but there was no bag, phone or anything that is usually forgotten by a person.

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