All in a Days Work

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Castiel watched his breath go out on puffs floating into the cold sky. He heaved the last box into his car and began the long drive to Indiana. He had calculated the time to be 32 hours an 22 minutes of a drive to be exact and he was not looking forward to it. It wasn't that he didn't want to be crammed into a car for 32 hours it was more or less what greeted him at the end of the drive. Castiel had just lost his job of being a religious professor at a all girls Catholic school. Apparently he wasn't aloud to talk about gay rights with the ladies. It was strictly forbidden and once they found out he was swung from both trees they fired him. Now he was off to live close to one of his brothers. In a small town, where he lived on Maple Street.

He was also leaving a girlfriend behind at home. His lovely, sweet, tad odd, Hannah. He was open to her coming with him or having a long distance relationship but she was none for it. Actually she breathed a sigh of relief when he told her the news. It hurt Castiel a lot considering she practically begged for his attention when he didn't want her. But now that he did it turns out she was cheating with a man named Joe. He wasn't entirely handsome. It bothered Castiel greatly and he would never admit this but, cried for days after. Now he was sitting in his car on the road so far going to Indiana. Leaving the place where his dreams lied and his hopes still are being smothered. Finally after a long sigh Castiel starts the engine and leaves behind good old California.

Gabriel was just bursting with excitement that his brother was moving close by. He seemed to never get any attention in this neighborhood after living here for a month. Maybe down here on Creek Circle everyone was depressed. Gabriel pondered that thought a lot. However it never seemed like that when he looked out his window. It was all sunshine and roses. Children playing, neighbors talking. He hated it because he wasn't apart of it. Whenever he tired to join a conversation the people would look at him like he was twelve. He actually so far hated this town. Everyone was so damn stuffy.

He tired to talk to his neighbor who he could literally talk to from his window but he was rarely home and wasn't much of a talker. However now he would have Castiel, his favorite of the brothers he had, to talk to. Even if it was on bad terms. Gabriel had moved here one month earlier. It was to try and start up a small art shop. Only that failed and now he works at a diner downtown. He does still paint in his free time and sells them every once in a while. He also works in a bar at night serving drinks to people and getting flirted at by drunks. It's his least favorite job considering he never was much of a drinker. So now Gabriel sits in his living room to try and pass the time before he has to go to the bar for work. He taps his foot impatiently as he glances at the clock. Only noon, he has six hours before work so he drags himself up the steps of his house. He walks into the small room at the end of the hall looking for his canvas to pass the time.

Sam was sitting in his house. The darkness of the broken lightbulb surrounding him. He sighed as he thought of his girlfriend Jess. Yes he did love her but she was weighing him down. She was constantly in the hospital with her fevers and he was always there with her. He remembered a time before this when he had free time. Now he is all booked up with his job, Jess, and just trying to keep himself together. He rubs his temple and goes decides to go upstairs to try and get his mind off things. He did have a small amount of free time right now. So as he walked upstairs and sat in the library of his house. (It wasn't really a library it was just a room with leather chairs and a bookshelf).

As he sat down he noticed his neighbor painting in his house. He seemed to be intently starting at the canvas, grabbing different bottles of spray paint and airbrush. Sam, even if he would never admit this, did find the boy quiet interesting. The boy would always try and talk to him even if he never responded. He was a artist and Sam would like to see his work sometime. However he never asked because he was just to caught up in his own mess of a life. But now sitting here watching the golden eye boy something bloomed in his chest that he hadn't noticed before. Startled by this random emotion Sam pushes it down. He didn't want anyone to get in the way of his regular life he was trying to start.

Dean sat in his shop organizing the tools on the bench. He shivers as a wisp of cold air seeps it way into the small building. He thought about his little brother Sammy and how much work was being out on him. He sighs and glances at the clock finding it to be around noon so he goes off to lunch. Considering he hadn't packed anything he goes out to a small roadside dinner. It's only about a blocks walk down the way and he freezes on his way over. After he walks inside a rush of cinnamon and warm air splash against his whiskered face. He smiles warmly at the waitress Jo and takes a seat on a bar stool.

"The usual?" She asks and Dean nods looking around at the place. It's decorated with Christmas lights and paper snowflakes hang from the ceiling. Red and green ribbon wrap around the breakfast bar edges. The song "Winter Wonderland" blaring from the old speakers. He nods at Jo as she hands him his cup of coffee with a cheese burger. She hums along to the old song. Dean looks around longingly at the place. He never did really get into Christmas. It was hard to celebrate with his job and Lisa. Sam never had time. So he just ignore the holiday that everyone was always buzzing about. Suddenly someone comes through the door heaving a loud sigh.

So how was it? If there was any mistakes or really massive errors just let me know. I copy and pasted this from notes so if anything is missing tell me. Please let me know if you liked it or not. It's my first posted Destiel/Sabriel fanfic. This chapter is just to get a feel to the characters next chapter they will talk. I promise! Okay thanks for reading keep it up!

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