Ch. 13: Thanksgiving "Package"

Start from the beginning

"Yes, please do. Let me know if it came or not so I can contact them if it's not there." Your Dad sighs out as he waits for you to go check.

You roll your eyes as your smile never faltered. Even though he's not your biological father, you know that you've picked up traits from him as you grew up, you worry just as much as he does over small things like a box being shipped to someone and the anxiety you get if it doesn't show up on time, so you can't really get mad or fault him for it.

You left the kitchen and walked to the front door, "Alright, I'm opening my door-" Just as you opened the door, your breath got caught in your throat.

"Well?" Your Dad spoke up. "Did it come?" You just stood there, speechless, frozen. You couldn't believe what was in front of you, what your eyes were seeing. You slowly took your phone away from your ear as your eyes began to well up. Your father was standing right in front of you, his phone pressed to his ear, his smile shining brightly at you.

"Daddy?!" Your voice cracked as you took in the smile your father was giving you, that charming smile you haven't seen in years. "Daddy!" You whimper as you ran into his open arms and wrapped your own around the back of his neck, letting him embrace in a tight hug.

"Hey, Princess." Your Dad mumbles into your hair, "Surprise." He rubs your back as you wept into his neck, unable to contain your tears at all.

"Oh my God, Daddy! I can't believe you're here!" You tell him in between sobs, "I've missed you so much!"

Your Dad chuckles and kisses the side of your head. "Shh, it's okay Princess." He murmurs, doing his best to calm you down before you start to hyperventilate. "I've missed you too, it's been too long."

Once you've finally calmed down, and you spent a few more minutes hugging onto your Dad, you both finally part. "I'm so sorry, I got your shirt all wet." You sniffle, wiping your nose as you look at your fathers shirt, seeing the small wet spot you've created.

"Do you know how many shirts you've cried on of mine? A lot." You Dad smiles at you as he shrugs, "I should be used to it by now, plus it's just a shirt."

You roll your eyes and smile back at your father, allowing him into the apartment. "I just can't believe you're here..." You shook your head, you shut the door and locked it behind your father before you went and placed your phone down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Just thinking about it makes me want to cry again." You felt fresh tears start to form in your eyes as you sniffled, looking up at your father.

Your father chuckles softly as he shrugs off his jacket, "Cry if you want, I'll be here to calm you down." He smiles, "Where shall I set this?" He asks.

"Oh," You wave your hand dismissively, while your other hand wipes away at your eyes. "Please, make yourself at home Daddy. It doesn't matter, anywhere is fine."

Your Dad looks around before he decides to set his jacket across one of the barstools. You suddenly remembered that you had bread laying out on the counter, so you went into the kitchen, leaving your Dad to explore and look at the things in the apartment.

"From the outside, it looks like an ordinary apartment building. Y'know, like a one-level apartment room?" Your Dad pauses as you can hear him walking around, "I would have never expected a spiral staircase to be in here leading up to a second floor."

It's funny, really, you pretty much thought the same thing when you first moved in with Mark. "I know, pretty amazing huh?" You giggle softly, deciding to put the now thawed out pieces of bread you had out, away. You wrap the pieces up in plastic Saran Wrap and left them out on the counter for later. You straighten your shirt out as you walked back into the living room, smiling as you saw watch your father walk around, taking in his surroundings. "Do you want anything to eat or to drink?" You ask, "I was about to make a turkey sandwich before I was interrupted by a very pleasant surprise."

Your Dad was over near the stairs, examining the metal staircase and its structure. "Actually, I would like to take you out to dinner for thanksgiving. It's been a too long since I got to last see you and I would love to catch up on all the things I have missed." He pulls his attention away from the stairs and looks over at you, waiting for your answer as a smile pulled at his lips.

"You mean like a Daddy-Daughter date?" You ask, your eyes swelling up with tears. "Like how we used to when I was younger?" You mentally slapped yourself for being so emotional, but you couldn't help it.

"Yes, like how we used to do when you were a little girl." Your Dad nods, "Unless you don't want to go out with your old man, I mean, you are older now and you've probably grown out of it." Your father began to sulk in sadness in an attempt to playfully guilt you. He's done it before, and you know he'll do it again.

You shook your head and giggle softly, wiping the threatening tears away. "No! No, stop trying to guilt me!" You tell him, "I'd love to go, I'll always go on our Daddy-Daughter dates with you. I don't care how old I get, it's always been our thing." You smile as you walk up to him.

Your Dad looks at you and holds his hand to his heart, acting like he's offended. "Me? Guilt you? I would never!" You roll your eyes as he chuckles. "Good, I'm glad you feel that way. I was worried you wouldn't want to do it anymore." He sighs as he looks down at you.

"Can I just go change real quick?" You ask, pointing your finger towards the stairs. "I'll just be about fifteen minutes, then we can go."

Your father sighs and rolls his eyes before he nodded in response. "That's what they all say, and then it ends up being about an hour or even longer." He laughs as you slap his arm. "Yeah, go ahead. I'll be here."

You smile at him, leaning up a bit to kiss his cheek. "You're not too old Daddy." You tell him before you head up the stairs to change.

Okay, so I decided (with the help of MrsGavinFree ) that I would post this slightly smaller chapter.
The reason is that it was over 3,000 words and I wasn't even done with it, and I know that super long chapters can be a bit overwhelming sometimes (although I love them).
I'm so excited for what's to come! You don't even know! Prepare for feels!
(I also kinda hope some of you have cried during this chapter because I'm a horrible person lmao)

I love you all!

Stay Mad!

-LilMadFree 💕

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