"I had it bad. Mom hated me. Dad couldn't look at me. Do you know how horrible it feels for your own parents not being able to look at you because you reminded them so much of their other perfect daughter? It feels horrible. It makes you feel like shit."

I shrugged after that, tears running down my face but I kept my voice level. "But it's all worth it, in the end, isn't it? Because you promised something to someone? And of course, you never break promises right?"

I then turned to my uncle's. I looked them over planning my next move."I'm going to get my things from your house and I'm going back home. I'd rather not stay in the same house as someone who easily lies about someone's death." I turned back to Sofia. "I hope you solve your problems, I really do. But do the family a favor and just stay dead."

With that said I walked out of her 'office' and down the stairs. Everyone watched me closely as I made my way out of the building. I tried my best to avoid making eye contact with anyone on my way out.

I walked out, the cold air hitting me. I wanted to go back inside just for the warmth but I continued, shoving my hands into the pockets of my sweats, making my way to my car. I can just blast the heater once I'm in there.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I tried to stop them, but it was no use. I tried to get my mind off of what had just happened but it just kept replaying in my head.

Maybe I should've let them explain.

Maybe I could've just listened to what they had to say.

Maybe there was a valid reason.

I kicked a rock as I thought through all this.

They suck.

I got to my car and attempted to pull the door open. It was locked. Duh. I shoved my hands into my pockets searching for my keys but had no luck. I didn't have them. They must've taken them when they caught me.

This sucks. So much.

I sighed as I kicked my car wheel in frustration.

I was cold, tired, and crying, which made everything even worse.

I groaned, realizing I would need to walk until I  found somewhere I could use a phone.

After a bit of walking, I spotted a payphone next to a 24-hour gas station. I ran into the dusty looking station and walked to the counter.

"Hey, can I have money to make a call outside? Please. I'll give you back money once my ride gets here." I bit my lip nervously, hoping he would be kind enough. The old man behind the counter must've seen how desperate I was because after giving me a once over he grunted and gave me 8 quarters.

I mentally fist-bumped and thanked him as I walked out to the payphone.

I called Cole. Don't ask why I had his number memorized because I wouldn't have an answer. I didn't even know I had it memorized until I had dialed it. I just hope he answers

It rang a couple of times before he picked up.

"What the fuck?" I woke him up, I could hear it in his voice.

"Cole! Hi. I know it's early." I chirped trying to sound positive.

"It's 5:40 in the morning. What the hell is wrong with you?" He grumbled.

"Well, I was wondering if you could maybe, pick me up?" I asked shyly wiping tears from my eyes.

"From where? Where the hell could you be at 5:40 in the goddamn morning?" He growled out angrily.

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