Episode 32: Taichi's Rank?

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They were nearly up the mountain to the village, and Tora was panting.

"Could you - could you give me some more food when we get there?" he gasped. 

"Just keep going," Kasai instructed irritably. "And then maybe we'll see."

They continued like this for a few more minutes, during which Tora completely broke down, and wouldn't go on until he had eaten more and then been encouraged by the entire team that he was important and really, really needed to show them where the village was. 

"T-there we are," Tora panted, collapsing. 

In front of them was a modest gate made of wood that bore the inscription, Yama No U-Izado, and beyond that, the tops of just as modest-looking roofs. 

"I was expecting something a little more exciting," Mizuki sighed. But at that moment, there was the distinct sound of some magic being cast, and a multiple screams. 

"Is that better for you?" Akuma snapped. Mizuki shrugged. 

Aya knocked hesitantly before abandoning that plan and using her bo staff to break open the gate, and it swung forward to reveal a terrible sight.

Many buildings had been destroyed, evidently by some kind of magic. In the streets, a glare was the most common expression. Not one person looked happy. A little farther down the way, a pair or wizards seemed to be about to fight, with staffs glowing and people gathered around. 

"You said this was safe!" Heishi told Tora.

Tora blinked. "I said it was usually mostly safe. I'm sure there's somewhere around here that's perfectly happy right now." Heishi was not convinced.

Aya ran forward suddenly, towards the two wizards about to fight. "St-stop!" she shouted. "Why are you fighting?"

The wizards momentarily forgot about each other and turned to Aya with anger blazing in their eyes. "What do you think I'm doing?" one asked sarcastically. "I'm destroying this scum of a wizard!" 

"But . . . why?" Aya asked. "Can't you . . . can't you compromise?" 

"Ha!" the other wizard laughed bitterly. "Who're you supposed to be, telling us what to do?"

Kasai looked between the two. "Anyone care to explain? You probably can't tell, but we're not from around here."

The first wizard huffed. "This sorry excuse for a wizard thinks it's okay to limit our magic! As if we're some kind of common people! He and his group think our village should have rules to hinder our teachings and principles that we've been using for hundreds, no thousands of years -"

"But there are some things that are better left untaught!" the second argued. Some people in the crowd shouted out in agreement. "He believes all magics should be open to all to experiment with, to tamper with, to teach anyone who might listen! But magic without boundaries is dangerous. Some magic is terrible in the hands of the wrong people! Do you really want Necromancy - witchcraft! - being taught to our children -"

"But if Necromancy is outlawed," the first cut in, his own half of the crowd yelling their support, "then why not outlaw Summoning? Why not outlaw Rune magic, or Light, or magic in itself? Where would it stop? There are too many people who are afraid of us - give them this opportunity and they might all decide that magic as a whole is evil and should be removed from all of society!"

"Magic is a necessity!" the second insisted. "No one would completely outlaw it - even commoners rely on some kind of magic in their everyday -"

"So you're going to kill each other," Mizuki said. 

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