Episode 7: Fight Them to Save Them

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Akuma sat frozen as Kasai raced, faster than the wind, towards her. She couldn't move, even though everything seemed to be going in slow motion. She braced herself for pain.

Someone else rushed in front of her. It was Aya, holding her staff defensively against what both knew was coming. The strike reverberated throughout Aya's body, but she held strong. She had to protect Akuma while she tried to use her spiritual energy.

Kasai turned her attention to Aya. "So," she said, still with no expression, "you want to challenge me? So be it."

The two continued to spar while Akuma tried with all her might to summon her spiritual energy. She could almost feel it building up inside her, almost felt the power growing again, and turned to the demon to confront her.

"Demon!" she shouted before she saw who it held in her claws. Yuri. It was the first time Akuma had seen her without a grin on her face.

"Yuri," she cried. "No, not you too . . ."

"Redeem my honor," chanted Yuri. "I must redeem my honor."

What was she talking about? Yuri was one of the Sureiyazu, the most honored warriors in Sekai. And Kasai had earlier said something about revenge. Was this what the demon had shown them?

Yuri charged at Akuma, but unlike when Kasai had attacked her, this time she was ready. Akuma used the rope of her weapon to trip the other girl. She fell, but wasn't fazed. And her expression wasn't any different. Completely robbed of emotion.

The expressionless girl got up and raised her tetsubo. Akuma dodged - barely. But she was out of breath. How did she plan to fight the most skilled demonslayers in the world? She would have to use her power, and fast. But how could she if she didn't know how?

Akuma hoped Aya wouldn't fall for the demon's tricks. So far, the sides were still partially even. If you didn't count the demon. Or the fact that Akuma had been part of the Sureiyazu for only about two days now.

Yuri's tetsubo slammed into empty air - again. The blue haired girl was lucky enough to evade her attacks, and was starting to notice a pattern. Since the tetsubo was heavy, Yuri was only able to move it short distances without shifting it and swinging it again. If Akuma could attack in between Yuri's attacks, she would have a better chance. She smiled to herself. Now she was thinking like one of the Sureiyazu. At least, she hoped.

Yuri swung her tetsubo, and Akuma dodged. As the weapon was shifted, Akuma used hers knock Yuri on the head. At first, she seemed unfazed. But then she crumpled and fell. Akuma hoped she would stay down, at least for now. At the same time, she hoped she hadn't hurt Yuri too much.

Things were looking up. Until Aya made one mistake. Looking into the eyes of the demon.

She was still for several seconds. When she turned to look at Akuma, the blue haired girl thought for sure that Aya would be against her. But, at least for now, she wasn't. As she started to lose control of herself, she told Akuma desperately, "Use your energy. Please." Then her face was wiped of expression, and Akuma's became drenched in fear.

Akuma could hold off against one of the Surieyazu, but all three of her teammates? No, she didn't have a chance. As if to prove the point, all three of her former friends advanced on her at once. She tried to run but soon realized she was surrounded. That and she wasn't sure how far on the Domain went, and didn't want to lose her way back.

As the three teenagers surrounded her, Akuma tried to think of something to break the spell. She couldn't use her spiritual energy like Aya suggested; she had already tried that and failed. But maybe she could get them to see the truth. It wasn't the best idea, but she didn't have much time and in their current state the others would probably kill her, so she had to try.

"Aya!" she shouted at the blank faces. "Yuri! Kasai!" No reaction. Not even a flinch.

"Do you remember the last time we fought a demon?" she asked them, not sure they could even hear her. "Do you remember how we met in the bar?" Still no one answered.

"Sureiyazu," she pleaded. "Don't you like the life you have?" Akuma started into the emotionless faces, not sure of how much longer she had. "Aya, how you drink tea every afternoon? Kasai, your constant sparring matches? Yuri, your happiness that gives us all hope?" It didn't seem to be working. She was going to die. Her only friends were going to slay her like a demon.

As the team readied their weapons, Akuma closed her eyes. She tried to tell herself that she was glad to welcome death. She could see Hikari. She had done all she wanted to in Sekai. Hadn't she?

She decided that since these were the last moments in her life, it didn't matter what she did anymore. So she let out a scream that was so filled with fear that it mirrored how she had screamed when Tsugu was controlling her. Except this was a different kind of fear. A fear mixed with sadness.

She waited for the pain. She waited. And waited. Finally when she looked up she saw what she had least expected. The three that had been trying to kill her only moments before were standing facing the demon who had deceived them.

Kasai was shaking. "You tricked me," she screamed, more filled with anger than Akuma had ever seen. "You decietful - you - I hope you're ready for this."

Aya took a new stance Akuma hadn't seen her use. She declared, "I promise I will slay you. Slowly and painfully." It was the only threat Akuma had heard her use. She meant business.

Yuri was trying her best to be cheerful, but she was losing her sweet, happy attitude. "I tried . . ." she said. "I tried not to have to be mean."

Akuma was scared. Not how she had been when the Sureiyazu were attacking her; a new kind of scared.This was a fear that feared what would happen if the demonslayers got too angry, went to far.

She stood to join them. If they did go too far, she was the only one who could stop them now.

Yuri took a flying leap into the air and landed on the demon's back. She used her tetsubo to whack the monster on the head repeatedly. "Bad!" she scolded. "Bad evil demon!"

Aya charged. She catapulted with her staff and used her feet to send both the demon and Yuri down.

"Whee!" said Yuri and continued hitting the demon.

Kasai rushed forward with more speed and accuracy than ever. In one swift motion, Inochi sliced through the monster's stomach and a familiar cry sounded throughout the emptiness.

Akuma stood and watched in wonder as this scene took place. Her teammates, so fueled by their anger, had forgotten she was there. She didn't mind, though. She was still getting used to her new job.

In the sudden silence, Akuma was afraid to ask her question. "How do we get out?"

Aya suddenly smiled her usual reserved, knowing smile. "There's a spell for that."

"Ah," said Akuma. "Of course there is."

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