"Good?" He asks and I nod grinning.

"Can you just dress me every day?" I ask and Vic chuckles.

"Get dressed, I'm going to find Mark." Vic explains and I nod before he kisses my cheek and leaves.

I get dressed before going into the bathroom to fix my hair. After that, I slide on the beanie and smile at my reflection. Vic really does have good taste. I walk back into his room and slide on my TOMS. Vic then walks back into the room with a guy that looks like he's in his late twenties. Just like I imagined, he's wearing a suit like the butlers do in the movies.

"Mark this is Kellin, my boyfriend; Kellin this is Mark." Vic introduces and Mark holds out his hand for me to shake. I shake his hand and he beams happily.

"It's nice to meet you." He grins, in what I previously hoped would be a British accent but it's just an American one. I need to stop praying for stereotypes.

"You too." I beam letting go of his hand.

"Vic's told me so much about you." He comments and I blush as does Vic.

"He seems to talk about me a lot." I chuckle nervously.

"He does! All the damn time!" Mark exclaims and Vic goes even more red if possible.

"Yeah, I do. So what? I'd be hurt if you didn't talk about me to your friends." Vic huffs and I chuckle.

"Baby, you forgot that I have no friends, remember?" I chuckle and Vic pouts.

"Do I not count?" He asks sounding offended.

"No you don't, you're my boyfriend. Besides, why would I talk about you to you?" I ask and he shrugs.

"You make a good point."

I give him an I-told-you-so look and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever, let's just go." He mumbles and I nod taking his hand.

"I'll see you later Mark." Vic says and I give Mark a small wave goodbye before Vic leads me downstairs out of the house.

We get into the car and he drives off.

"We going anywhere fancy?" I ask and he nods.

"The fanciest." He grins and I smile in excitement.

"I've never been anywhere fancy before." I admit sheepishly.

"Never?" Vic asks confused.

I shake my head and he smiles reaching over and grabbing my hand once again.

"Then I just have to give you the best first experience." He smiles and I nod.

It doesn't take long to arrive in front of a restaurant and my god does it look expensive.

"Are you paying for all of this? I have like fifty bucks on me." I stress digging into my pockets.

"Kellin, it's fine. I've got this." Vic says pulling out a credit card. "I've got like two million bucks on me."

My eyes go wide and he chuckles.

"Two million?" I choke out. I always wondered how much they had but I never wanted to ask.

"Around that. There was a lot more but my parents spend irresponsibly." He shrugs.

He chuckles at the look of shock on my face and kisses my cheek. Suddenly someone opens my door and Vic's at the same time. I look to see a guy in a red suit and for a minute I'm confused but then I realize that they're valet guys. The guy gives me a friendly smile that I return as I get out of the car. I walk around to Vic who's handing the keys over to the other guy.

You Smile Brighter Than You Should (Kellic) BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now