"Oh, you want to play, is that it?" He rolls his neck. "All right, I'm game."

He comes at me with the hammer, and I duck but catch the weapon with a baton. I kick out at him, forcing him into the wall. I'm catapulted into the wall behind me, the impact jarring me so much that I drop my batons. He doesn't let up.

I sputter as he's got a strong hand on my throat, pushing me into the wall. I pull on his fingers to let me go. "I don't like your attitude."

"Well, that makes...two of us," I cough.

"You're covering for him, aren't you?"

"I don't even know your brother, you prick!" I kick out at him. "Now, let go!"

I drop down, coughing, as I somehow force the demon back. He looks at me in awe, chuckling. "Now we're getting somewhere. I don't know who you are or who you're with, but I'm gonna assume you're trying to change me back." Something catches his attention, and I look where he does.

At the other end of the hall, there's the human Castiel told me to not harm. I need to keep him safe. Sam, I think Castiel called him. So then the demon is Dean. I wince, feeling a sharp pain in my skull.

Wait. Sam. Dean. My mind pulls their faces from my fogged memory. Sam. Dean. But Dean isn't the same, he's not how I remember him. Dean. Dean's a demon now, not possessed, a demon. Sam somehow found himself with a broken arm or something, it's in a sling. Sam. Sammy.

I remember Sam and Dean. I remember how I left both of them.

The factory starts working up in my brain, and now, Avery is just a middle name to me.

With this massive revelation, my mind shifts. Okay, so Dean's a demon, wants to kill Sam. I need to keep Sam safe from our brother. Wow, I never thought I'd tell myself that.

"I'll save you for later," Dean tells me. "Hey, little brother. I believe you and I need to finish something."

Hell to the no. As Dean stalks towards our little brother, I peel myself off the wall, shoving Dean forward onto his stomach with my power. I quickly grab my batons and run for him, ensuring he stays on the ground by tackling him. He twists, knocking hard into my face.

"Sam, run!" I shout. I grunt as Dean wrestles me, shoving me onto the ground. I let out a high screech as he tries to bring the hammer down on my head. My arms shake, and the veins are popping out in his arm and his forehead. "Dean, stop it! It's me."

He just cocks his head and continues to try and bring the hammer down on my face. I kick furiously on the bunker floor, frustrated that I can't kick my brother and get him off me. I assume Sam has run off like I told him to. I want to know how he got his damn arm in a sling.

"Dean," I try louder. "It's Josette, you asshat. Stop."

"Oh, real low, bitch. Trying to make it sound like you're my little sister. No, Josette's gone. She's dead. She's not coming back."

"Oh, for God's sake!" I barely move Dean's hammer away from my face long enough for me to bash my forehead into his. The hammer comes down on my shoulder, and I feel like it's fractured. I use my opposite shoulder to knock into his face again. I send him up, and I use my body to shove him away from me. I hear the hammer drop onto the floor, but I'm having a hard time getting to my feet.

"You one of Crowley's bitches?" Dean asks, picking himself up off the floor. "He pissed that I'm not his adventure buddy anymore?"

"No." I wince, scooting backwards. My shoulder is on fire. "I'm Josette, Dean."

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