Our AC is out and it's the middle of the summer

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"Jesus Christ, guys, put on some clothes."

I jumped up and squealed in delight, "Raven! You're here!"

"Yeah, yeah, I brought your ice and my tool box." She rolled her eyes, a smile tugged at her lips.

"Raven? Is that Raven?" Bellamy's voice got closer as he walked into the living room.

"The queen is here!" She smirked, handing him the ice.

Our machine had busted and stopped making ice because the refrigerator got so hot it short circuited. Raven offered to come to our rescue. I watched as Bellamy dumped the ice into the freezer.

"Where's the AC?" Raven asked.

"Backyard on the right side." Bellamy said simply and Raven stalked off.

Bellamy reached into the now-empty ice bag, picking out three cubes that hadn't gone into the freezer. He dropped one of the ground, and our dog, Misty, scooped it up and ran after Raven. Next, Bellamy handed me one. I grabbed it, mumbling a thanks, before sticking half of it in my mouth while the other half melted in my hand.

I threw my head back slightly and let out a groan.

"Wow." Bellamy said, simply, "That was hot."

I looked at Bellamy with a raised eyebrow, "Everything is hot, Bellamy."

He laughed, hitting my shoulder playfully, "You know what I meant! I mean that noise, and you're covered in sweat with nothing but a shirt and underwear on. Oh man."

I burst out laughing, "When Raven gets that AC fixed, but now you can keep on dreaming."

Bellamy Blake x Reader Prompt Session #2 (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now