You'll never feel alone with me by your side

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[Falling in Love]

We had just finished talking Misty, our dog, for a walk. The heat outside made her pant and us sweat.

She immediately ran to her water dish and lapped up at least half a bowl in three seconds flat. Bellamy and I drug ourselves into the bedroom.

I was the first to strip down to my undergarments, basking in the air conditioning, I laid on the floor.

I felt Bellamy's hand intertwine with mine and I looked over to see him sprawled out onto the floor, but far enough away where we weren't touching, except for our hands.

"I remember," I said after a moment of silence, "when Misty would want to go for a walk before I met you. I would usually take her, but I hated coming back to an empty house. It was so quite. It was lonely. I like having you here."

He stayed quite, looking at my face before speaking, "You'll never feel alone with me by your side. I promise."

I smiled and squeezed his hand, "I'm going to take a shower... Would you like to join me?"

He jumped up, pulling me with him, "Duh!"

I laughed and pulled him into the bathroom, making it as cold as I could. We'd make enough heat while we're in there. 

Bellamy Blake x Reader Prompt Session #2 (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now