A thunderstorm is coming in and you're scared of thunder so I'll protect you

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I pushed the curtains back a little and peaked out the window. A frown settled on my face as the nearly black clouds moved across the sky with ease, coming closer with every second that passes.

"Stop looking at the storm, (Y/N), it's only making you more worried." Bellamy said from the couch. I gave one last glance at the cloud before dropping the curtain and making my way over the Bellamy.

"I know, but I can't stop." I admitted, sitting next to him as he flipped through the channels on Tv. Most of them were filled with more static than video. "See!" I pointed to the tv, "The storms even got our cable going crazy!"

Bellamy chuckled, "Well, big black scary clouds will do that. Doesn't mean that it's going to be a thunderstorm."

"Bellamy, the weathermen actually said it's a thunderstorm!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

Bellamy draped an arm around me, pulling me closer, "Well, if there's thunder, I'll protect you."

I scoffed, "Sure th-" But a loud crack of thunder had interrupted me, making me jump all the same.

"Fuck!" I yelled, gripping his arm.

"It's alright, I'm right here." Bellamy's sarcastic and cocky voice that he usually held was gone.

"I don't like thunder." I mumbled meekly, talking more to myself than him.

"I know, baby girl, but I gotcha." Bellamy pulled me onto his lap in a swift motion.

Another loud clap from the sky made me jump, again, and as it probably would for the rest of the night. I wrapped my arms around Bellamy's neck and shoved my faced into the crook of it. I felt Bellamy shift a little bit, then felt a blanket being draped across the both of us.

"I'll get you through this." He hugged me closer, continuing to flip through the channels, even if they were all static. 

A/N: Hello friends, I have returned. 

Follow my Tumblr @Deadinsidepool

Bellamy Blake x Reader Prompt Session #2 (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now