Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to talk to the neighbors for being too loud

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Bellamy turned up the volume until it reached 100. Even then, we still both had a look of disgust on our faces, nothing was working.

"I cannot take this anymore!" Bellamy exclaimed, standing up and throwing his hands in the air.

"It's times like these where I'd call you dramatic, but I completely agree." I said, trying to be loud, but flinching back when a string of unrepeatable words found their way to my ears.

"Rock Paper scissors to see who has to go talk to the neighbors upstairs for being too loud while having sex, GO!" Bellamy said so fast that I nearly didn't catch it all.

"What?! No!" I gasped, putting my hands up, away from his, "I refuse to go up there in the middle of whatever that is!"

"I don't want to either!" Bellamy said, sitting back down on the couch in defeat.

I followed suit, "And no, we are not going to try and be louder than them."

Bellamy busted out laughing, "I wasn't going to suggest that!"

"You so were I can see it on your face!" I pointed an accusing finger at him, laughing as well.

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" He told me, his laughing fit starting all over again.

I stopped laughing and looked him dead in the eye, "Never."

That just made him bust out laughing all over again. Hopefully the neighbors got an ear-load of this. 

A/N: Check out this story about two witches and their adventures: ​​​​​​​  

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