I love you a lot, but please stop trying to make me dinner, you suck

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[Falling in Love]

Bellamy sat at the kitchen table, looking nervously at the plate in front of him. We both knew I wasn't the best cook, but I was trying to give him a night off.

He took a nervous look at the food on his fork, but shoved it in his mouth, trying not to make a face.

I put my fork down and sighed, "Say it."

Bellamy swallowed and downed half of his drink before looking at me, "I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck."

I raised my eyebrows and he looked really nervous, but then I burst out laughing, "About damn time you said something!"
Bellamy laughed a little, "So you're not mad?"

I shook my head, setting my hand on my chest to slow my breathing, "No way, Bells, I'm an awful cook! Why don't I just make us some microwavable mac 'n' cheese?"

Bellamy laughed full-heartedly now, "Yeah, that would be nice." 

Bellamy Blake x Reader Prompt Session #2 (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now