I don't wanna get up--you're comfy

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[Falling in Love]

"(Y/N)." Bellamy's soothing voice found my ears. I gave him a small groan in response.

"Princess..." He whispered, his voice right against my ear.

"Bellamy..." I hugged him.

"Baby girl, we gotta get up." He was trying to use all the pet names in the book.

"I don't wanna get up-- you're comfy." I mumbled tiredly, holding onto him harder.

"As much as I love playing big spoon, we promised Clarke and Finn we'd meet them for breakfast." He reminded me.

I shook my head, "Let's just cancel."

"We can't do that."

"Yes we can." I told him matter-of-factly.

He stayed silent, and I knew he was contemplating my offer.

"Come on, Bells." I taunted him by pushing back against him. A small gasp escaped his lips.

"Okay, Okay, fine." He groaned, taking me and flipping me so I was on my back.

He put his legs on either side of me and leaned down to kiss me.

"Everything's better when you play hooky." He said after a long, slow kiss, causing me to smile, and pull him down for more.

Bellamy Blake x Reader Prompt Session #2 (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now