I'm cold. Come closer

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[Falling in Love]

Bellamy and I were laying on the couch. I had my phone out, scrolling around of various social media while he slept peacefully, using my chest as a pillow.
I heard some incoherent noises come from Bellamy.
"What was that, love?" I asked, quickly.
"I'm cold. Come closer." It was barely audible, but I got it.
I tried not to laugh, instead chuckling lightly, "Baby, you're already on top of me."
He didn't show any sign that he heard me. He must have fell back asleep. I reached my hand behind me and grasped for the blanket that hung off the back of the couch. I pulled it over my head and spread it across Bellamy as best as I could, smiling at his sleeping face when I was finished.

Bellamy Blake x Reader Prompt Session #2 (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now