5- Black, Red, and Blue

Start from the beginning

Letting out an agonized scream, Pete relaxed his grip enough for Blurry to pull free. He immediately turned around, dug his claws deep into Pete's stomach, and dragged them all the way across.

Pete let out a gasp, his eyes went wide, and then he collapsed onto the floor. His hands immediately went to apply pressure to his wounds, but blood was seeping out fast.

"No!" Patrick shouted and ran over to Pete's side.

I looked away and saw Blurryface making his way over to Tyler's body. I was able to quickly put up a wall and Blurry walked right into it.

He hissed and banged his fist against it in frustration, but I held it up. I looked back over at Pete and Patrick, Patrick was crying and Pete's body was slowly turning translucent.

"What's happening to him Patrick?" I cried out.

"He's not going to exist anymore!" He wailed trying to grab onto Pete's hand, but his hand went straight through Pete's.

I turned back to Blurryface who was still trying to get through the wall to Tyler. My anger skyrocketed, and the next time Blurry threw himself against the wall, it shot him backwards, creating a hole in the wall right next to the one Patrick made.

I went to step forward, but a dizzy spell over took me and made me stumble a few steps. I was able to steady myself and the dizziness passed. I looked down and saw that my shirt was completely soaked in my blood and more was still slowly flowing out of the punctures.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath.

"You bastard!" I heard Patrick yell.

I looked up, Pete's body was nowhere to be found and Patrick had ripped Blurry's beanie off and was dragging him back into the room by his hair.

"You called me a chipmunk earlier, well this fucking chipmunk is getting ready to beat your ass!" He shouted. He took Blurry's head and began to repeatedly slam it against the floor and scream profanities.

I heard a small groan and my head whipped around in Tyler's direction. He was waking up.

"Josh?" I heard him croak out. At that moment I felt something hit the back of my head and I fell to the ground in a slight daze.

I was distracted by Tyler, and didn't notice Blurry had started getting hits in on Patrick and was able to throw him off. He had gotten off the floor, taken his elbow, and slammed it into the back of my skull.

"Josh!" I heard Tyler yell.

I looked over at Patrick and about cried at what I saw. He was almost completely transparent, and that's when I saw the gaping hole in his chest.

Blurry had literally shoved his hand inside of Patrick's chest. Tyler's face paled at the sights before him.

"Patrick!" I shouted, but it was too late, he was gone. So was Pete. It was just Tyler and I, and I was already pretty injured.

I tried to get up, but Blurryface planted his foot firmly in the middle of my back, pinning my weakened body to the ground.

"I tried to get you to listen to me Tyler," Blurry said.

"I tried to tell you that you were going to kill people if you didn't listen to me. This is all your fault. None of this would be happening right now if you didn't fuck things up all the time." Blurryface hissed out. I heard Tyler let out a whimper.

"Don't listen to him Tyler, he's-AAHH!" I was cut off my Blurry stomping harshly on my back. I heard a couple of harsh cracks, and instantly it hurt to breath. I coughed and some blood sprayed onto the carpet beneath me.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I heard Tyler beg. I looked up and saw him threading his fingers into his hair and tugging, something I noticed he did when he was stressed.

"Tell me Tyler, do you feel proud of yourself right now? Do you feel proud of what you've CAUSED?" On the last word Blurry brought his foot down onto my back once again. More of my blood soaked into coarse fibers of the carpet.

Tyler squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered, but then something happened. His body stilled. He didn't even breathe. Slowly, his fingers unclenched from his hair and his hands fell by his side. His slouched form straightened out, and his eyes opened.

They no longer looked terrified, they looked pissed.

"I haven't done anything," Tyler said, his tone even and unwavering.

I looked down and noticed my hands were starting to fade. I was disappearing. Tyler took a step closer to us.

"This is all YOUR fault. You're the one who hurt them, not me. You're the one who makes me feel bad about myself, not others. You're the one who hurts me. And I'm through with it."

I could feel Blurryface's form stiffen up, the weight on my back decreasing slightly. The dizziness in my head was growing worse though, my hands were steadily growing more and more translucent.

"You have no control over me anymore. I am done with the paranoia, anxiety, guilt, fear, isolation, and every other negative thing you have brought into my life. It's not my fault my brothers and sister died in the car wreck, it was the drunk driver's fault. It's not my fault my parents got divorced, they always fought a lot before the accident. I was honestly only a matter of time. It's not my fault Josh, Pete, and Patrick got hurt. It's yours, you are the one in the wrong, not me."

Blurry completely stepped off my back and was gripping the sides of his head yelling in pain. His claws and teeth were no more, and his form was starting to flicker.

"Go. Away." Tyler said with a tone of finality.

That was when something really unexpected happened. Tyler's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground.

Blurry's screams started to fade as his form was ripped apart into wisps of dark shadows. The wisps drifted along the floor over to me and started to surround me, blocking my vision.

"Tyler!" I called out as loud as my weak voice would let me, I couldn't see him anymore, and that was really freaking me out.

What was going on? What was happening? Was Tyler too late? Am I fading? The smoke started to violently swirl around me, I saw flashes of red amidst the black shadows. I heard voices talking, laughing, and yelling. I felt extemely dizzy....I blacked out.

A/N- Question: Coke or Pepsi? I like coke because I have such a sugar tooth and it tastes sweeter to me soo...and the main reason I drink sodas is because I like the carbonation (sprite has the most by the way, I've done my research) and Coke is much more carbonated than Pepsi. Also, after working outside all day when it's really hot, nothing can beat cold Coke out of a can. Nothing. NOTHING.

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