4- Dead Men Stood Together

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A/N- So, I know next to nothing about a lot of you guys other than the fact that you have good taste in music (I mean, why else would you be here?) So I've decided that at the end of each chapter I'll put up a question, give you my answer, and then I want you guys to answer it too! Also, feel free to ask me any questions you want I just want to connect with you guys more!

Tyler's POV

Brendon and I went down the stairs to my car and climbed in. The first half of the drive was filled with silence, but of course Brendon broke it.

"How long has your radio been gone?" He asked eyeing the cavity where it once sat.

My car hadn't been totaled in the wreck by some miracle. The drivers side was badly dented in and I had to replace the windshield, but other than that it was fine. With the insurance I had, it was much cheaper to fix this one up a bit than to buy a new one, but I still don't have a radio. I have to start saving up for a new one all over again.

"A few months. I really need to get it replaced, but it seems like I always have something more important that I have to pay for."

I glared at the empty space with disdain. I hope whoever stole the radio gets caught for something really bad, worse than theft, and gets put in jail for the rest of their life. The silence in this car has sent me into one too many almost panic attacks.

"I can buy a new one for you, it's no big deal."

"No man, I couldn't let you do that. We're talking close to $200, probably more after you pay to get it installed."

"It's fine Tyler, I want to. I know how you get when things are too quiet...I want to do anything I can to help you right now. And if that means buying you a car radio, then I'm buying a damn car radio. That's that. We'll get you one after we eat. We can walk around while it's getting installed."

What would I ever do without Brendon? Normally when people ask that question they say 'I'd probably be dead', but don't actually mean that. For me that is true. I owe him my life, and he's still giving to me. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve a friend like him.

"Thank you," I said with a smile, glancing over at him.

"Anytime, Ty." I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, and we both climbed out of the car and headed inside.

As always, the food was fantastic. Our conversations stayed on lighter topics for now, but I have a feeling Brendon would want to talk about the deeper stuff before the day is done. Despite Brendon's protests, I paid for lunch. Since he was getting ready to buy me a radio, it was the least I could do.

While the radio was getting installed, we went to the ice cream parlor a couple blocks down before just walked around the downtown area. I didn't come this way often, but I should. It was beautiful here with all the old buildings and local art sculptures. Even the graffiti was impressive. Brendon interrupted my appreciation of the city.



"What was going through your head? Why did you think you could just leave me?" He asked. His voice cracked at the end, and I felt the weight of guilt settle into my chest.

"I don't know...it was just...I thought since you had Sarah, and maybe even a kid soon, you wouldn't miss me that much. I don't benefit you much now, I always just end up leaching money from you whether I mean to or not, so I figured you'd be fine without me. Maybe even better."

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