Chapter Three (Part One)

Start from the beginning

I mentally shook my head and growled causing the ‘Alpha’ to stop. Once he stopped the others stopped, but their growling didn’t stop. I opened my mind link and heard all of their conversation. I rolled my eyes a bit. Like an Alpha, I had a bit more expansion of my mind linking. An Alpha can only link with members of his pack or of higher ranking. Now for me, because I’m A Royal, I can basically communicate with anyone, but also, I can do a few more things that are more powerful then reading a few minds.

What do you and your members want Alpha?

I held my posture.

Act like a Queen, I thought -personally- to myself.

He looked at me for a minute before he shook himself and walked towards me releasing a small growl. I’m the one that will be asking the questions here rogue…you’re on MY territory.

Mm…nice velvet voice, I thought. Then I looked at him again and smirked as a laugh escaped my lips -which sounded like a hyena with a billow thorn stuck in it’s throat- which must have offended the others for the growling was low, had return to a louder buzz.

Oh Alpha it’s funny that you think I’m a rogue…

If you’re not a rogue then you’re still trespassing…maim, he said trying to be polite.

I leaned up and walked towards him barely touching my nose to his. I’m more on the lines of your worst nightmare…Alpha.

The others got up and started to stalk towards me but the Alpha looked back at them and they swiftly stood still. His chuckle brought my eyes back to his.

For a nightmare, you sure are a sweet dream come true.

I smiled sweetly. Tell me if this is sweet alpha.

I sharply turned my gaze on to the wolf on his left and a loud breaking noise filled the air. All the wolves turned their attention on to the transforming wolf. I smirked and kicked the foliage beneath my feet. I sent a goodbye to the Alpha, stopped the transforming on the wolf, and quickly dashed through the woods. I grabbed my clothes and could feel the pack members pounding against the ground. I quicken the pace and ran to the open window. Once a few feet away, I jumped threw the window and transformed back into my human self.

A loud, angry howl pierced the air as I shut the window and shades. I leaned against the wall breathing heavily. I laid my hand against the tattoo that laid against the right side of my rib cage. I closed my eyes and traced the permanent lines against my skin.

I traced the outskirts of lines that formed into a crown. Then my fingertips traced over six small paws. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceilings. The top lines that formed a large paw was meant for my father, I knew the color was a dark gray -almost black- for the fur of my father’s wolf’s color. The one below was slightly smaller that was a cream color…that paw was for my mom. Then the four circling paws around my mother’s and father’s was my brothers and mine. All colors representing our matching coats. Every Royal has this tattoo, it’s something that can never be removed. And to me, it’s something that constantly reminds me of my family.

I looked at the clock and ran to the bathroom holding my schools clothes to my chest. I only had thirty minutes to get ready. Gee…what a great way to start off my first day of school.


“Come on traffic…MOVE!” I yelled to myself and the other people who clearly couldn’t hear me.

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