"Don't give me that stupid face. Come with me, and I'll lent you a board," she says dragging me leaving me without a choice.


"Here," she says pushing a crappy ass looking board to my chest.

"Uh, thanks," I say.

"Now go off! Oh wait, here," she says as she hand me her goggles and gloves.

I turn around and begin to trudge away. I hear her squealing in excitement, and I think to my self: what a weirdo.

I once again begin to look for Jason and Brandon. I spot them easily, and I put the goggles and gloves on. With my heart pounding fast, I somewhat approach them hoping they won't recognize me.

They're on their way to slide down a medium sized hill. Jason is conversing happily and moving his hands a lot. Brandon nods at whatever he's saying and it makes me more curious. What are they talking about? I move a bit closer to them, but keep my distance so it won't seem like I'm creeping on them.

"Then I told him he was a straight up savage for doing that," I hear Jason say.

"Mhm. Well, we're here at the top. Do you want to go first or should I go?" Brandon says.

"You go first!" Jason says, and I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

Brandon shrugs and rides down on the board. Once he's down, Brandon motions him over.

"Cmon, it'll be fun! I'm here. Don't worry. You won't fall. Just remember what I taught you," Brandon yells from the bottom, his voice faint.

I step back and observe Jason. Jason puts his feet in the bindings and sighs really loudly.

"If I die, I'm suing you!" Jason yells as he puts his weight toward the end making him move down.

I close my eyes unable to watch and tighten my grip on my board. I peer down to see that Jason landed safe and sound. I put a hand over my heart and sigh in relief. I knew he could do it.

After waiting for like five minutes, I swiftly go down. I spot Jason and Brandon conversing as they're waiting for a ski lift. There's other people waiting too, so I easily approach them.

Wow, I can't believe I'm actually stalking them. Have I really stooped this low? Pathetic. I mean, I can't fall in love with one of my best friends, especially if it's a boy. Eh, I think the real reason I'm following them around is because I don't trust Brandon.

"And that's the time I rode a manatee," I overhear Jason say.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and then grin in amusement. Jason is so random, I love it. Brandon mumbles a 'cool', and I have to restrain myself from slapping him.

The ski lift begins to inch closer and without wanting to I get on with Jason, Brandon, and some other dude 'cause apparently four people to a ski lift. We sit sideways and Jason immediately begins talking. Jason begins a conversation and asks for everyone to introduce themselves. I almost get up and strangle him, but then I think of all the consequences that would lead to.

"How 'bout you?" Jason asks me taking off his goggles.

I stare at him for a while admiring his features. His blue eyes seem bluer than ever, and I almost coo at Jason's cute red nose. His long eyelashes flutter, and his cheeks are blushed. Suddenly he waves a hand in front of my face, and I return to reality. Three pairs of eyes are looking at me, and I clear my throat.

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