Chapter 34 Sweet Memories

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I walked into Sky's room. He was just watching TV. I laughed at what was on. It was Twilight. Sky hated Twilight, while I loved it.

"Hey Adam," I said as I sat down on a chair next to his bed. He smiled at me.

"Hey beautiful," He said. I blushed.

"I just wanted to do something." I said as I leaned in close. He knew what I wanted, so he leaned up, closing the gap between us. Our kiss was sweet and full of love. Just as I was about to pull away, Adam placed his hand on my cheek and put his tongue in my mouth.

I pulled away after a few seconds, needing air. Sky smiled at me.

"I'm really glad you did that," He grinned. "I remember,"

I gasped. "Y-You remember?"

"It's all thanks to you, Lapis," He said as he leaned up and pecked my lips.

"I'm glad you remember Sky," I told him. Then I sighed. "But that kiss, it was to say good-bye."

"What do you mean, 'good-bye'?" He asked, sitting up in his hospital bed.

"I mean, I'm leaving." I said.

"Leaving? Where?" He asked, tears brimming his eyes. "Please don't do dis."

"I'm leaving the state. Adam, I love you, but I just.....I need a break from everything. And being around you, Team Crafted, and my own friends is just....not helping anything. I love you, SkyDoesMinecraft. Good-bye."

As I walked out of the room, his practically screaming my name, I told the doctor that he remembered everything. Then, I went home and packed up everything I could.

"Hey, Karl?" I questioned as I called my uncle.

"Libby!" He said happily. "What's up?"

"Can I come see you?" I asked.

"Sure thing hon!" He said. "I'll make a bed ready for you. When are you getting here?"

"In a few hours," I said as I shoved most of my things in my car. "Can I there? Until I get a house or apartment?"

It was silent on the other end for a minute. "Of course you can," He said. "But why?"

"I want to get away," I said.

"What about your mom and dad's?" He asked me.

"That's an option, but it's in the middle of all of the chaos. I'll see you soon." I said as I hung up the phone. I drove to the airport and got a ticket.

I was going to live in Corpus Cristi, Texas. Maybe now my life will get better.

Lapis Love or Butter Hate ~SkyDoesMinecraft~Where stories live. Discover now