Chapter 31 Gun-Shots and Sick Freaks.

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My body shook. Sky gripped my waist a bit painfully, but I knew he was just trying to protect me.

"Get out of here, now." I told everyone. "Get each other out of here!"

"I'm not letting him take you again!" Jesse said. "I don't care who knows it. You're my f***ing best friend and I will protect you with my life."

"Jesse, get Dawn out of here! Now!" I growled. Jesse sighed but took Dawn's hand and slipped out of the door, Chase, Quen, Jordan, Jerome, and Mitch following.

"Ileyah, Todd," I pleaded. "Go."

"I can talk to him, though!" Ileyah said.

"He used to be your friend." I told her, my voice getting hoarse. "But he's not the same Dylan I used to love and the same one you used to be friend's with. He's changed,"

Ileyah was forced out of the building by Todd, tears streaming down her face.

"Sky, Jason, Michaela, Ty, go." I said. "Please,"

"Ty, get Michaela out of here," Jason said. "Keep her safe, mmk?"

"But-" Ty began.

"DO IT TY!" I said, slightly loudly. Ty grabbed Michaela's arm and dragged her out, her struggling. "Now, for you two!"

"No," Sky said. "Not without you."

"I'm not risking your lives! Go!" I said.

"Oh he'll go alright," Dylan's voice spoke, sending chills down my spine. "To hell,"

Before Jason or I could do anything, a gun shot rang in our ears. Blood fell onto me as Sky crumpled to the ground, his head hitting the table on its way down.

"SKY!"I screamed as I dropped to my knees next to my boyfriend.

"What the hell Dylan?!" Jason yelled, throwing the gun across the room after wresting it away from his cousin.

"I just want the girl." Dylan said.

"Why?!" Jason growled.

"Look at her, Jason," Dylan said, grabbing Jason and making him look at me.

~Jason's P.O.V.~

Tears blurred my vision but I looked at Libby, clutching onto my best friend. I could hear the sirens of the ambulance by now.

"What am I looking at?" I growled.

"Look at Libby," Dylan said. "Isn't she sexy? Her glowing skin, big boob, big butt. Wouldn't you just like to f*** her?"

I struggled to get away but he was too strong.

"Imagine her doing naughty things to you. Just imagine it." Dylan said, and I stopped struggling. "Imagine her hand stroking your d***."

"YOU'RE SICK DYLAN!" Libby screamed.

"Oh I know," He smirked. "But only for you,"

I elbowed him in the face and shoved him back, kneeling down by Libby and hugging her, letting her sob into my chest.

"Leave my best friend alone you sick f***er!" I yelled. At that moment, the police came in and arrested in. The medics took Sky away on a stretcher. After answering a few questions, I took Libby outside to the others. There, she ran into Mitch's open arms and Michaela ran into mine.

"Let's go to the hospital," Ty said, tears falling down his face.

"Let's," I said as I lead Michaela to the car.

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