Chapter 29 Dream Come True

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I sleepily curled up like a cat against Sky's side. Yes, like a cat. I do weird stuff when I'm tired.

"Tired?" He murmured as he placed his hand on my thigh. I made a weird noise to signal that I was nearly asleep.

"Libby!!!" Someone screamed, rushing into my house. My eyes popped open and I sat up.

"What?" I whined as Jesse stood in front of me, his eeys gleaming in excitment.

"This!!" He held up his tablet, which showed Minecon tickets. "We're gonna go, right?"

"Do we have the money, dood?" I said, looking at the price. I cringed.

"Actually, Libby, if you check Twitter....." Jesse said with a smile. I did as he said and checked it. I gasped as I read a tweet.

@LibbyLovesLapis @J_FORCE115 @LinkIsCool We want you guys at Minecon

I squealed. We were wanted for Minecon.

"Wha-How-When?" I asked.

"Remember when you reached 1 Mill, yeah it'snow 2.5 Mill, same with Chase and I." Jesse said.

"OK, we're going to Minecon!" I said. Then frowned. "But the price-"

"Let us handle that." Sky said as he placed a kiss to my cheek.

"No!" I said. "I couldn't ask you to-"

"Think of it as a 'I'm sorry I'm a d0u(43' gift." Adam said. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Fine," I sighed. Jesse hugged us both, then went back to his house. I hugged Adam.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," He said as he kissed my forehead. I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before curling back up on his side. I was excited for Minecon, as it was a dream of Jesse's and mine to go. Even better, we get to go with our idols. This is freaking awesome.

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