Chapter 15 Tragedy

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Tears began welling up in my eyes as I noticed what day it was. I was recording, so I had to be strong.

"I'm gonna end it here," I said in a quiet tone. "Chase is back so we have to go get him from the ai-" I was cut off by Jesse running into my recording room.

"Chase is in the hospital!" He shouted.

"WHAT?!" I screamed. I turned to my camera. "I'm sorry but I have to go!" I shut the recoridng stuff off as quickly as possible and set it to upload. I followed Jesse to the car, crammed up with the guys.

"What happened?" I asked, even more teary-eyed than normal. The guys were leaving today, boarding the minute that Chase got off.

"The plane crashed into the ground at the airport." Jesse explained. "No one's dead, but a lot are injured. Chase was one of those."

"Is he OK?" I asked.

"I don't know,"

I began to shake, sobs threatening to burst out of my mouth. I held my hand over my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Dear God, please," I prayed silently. I then began to sob. Sky held me close to him.

"I can't drive," Jesse said as he pulled the car over, his eyes filled with tears. Ty got into his place as Jesse directed him on where to go.

We reached the hospital and I was the first one into the room, going against everyone's orders. I sat down in a chair next to Chase's bed. He was paler then usual. A cast was around his arm and there was blood seeping through a bandage on his skinny waist.

"Miss, you can't be in here!" A doctor ordered.

"HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!" I yelled, anger flaring through me.

"Libby," Jason said, slipping into the room and grabbed me by my waist. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Let them do their job."

I thrashed around in my place. Jason groaned as I kicked him hard in the gut a few times. He set me down in the waiting room and kneeled in front of me.

"Hey, pretty girl," He said. "Don't cry, mmk? Sky wouldn't like to see you cry, and nor would the others. Jesse needs you. You have to be strong for him."

"Why are you still here?" I asked. "Youre supposed to be gone."

Jason looked hurt. "We're not gonna leave. You guys need us now more than ever."

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Jerome and Mitch are with Jesse. They went to go get Ileyah and Todd. Sky, Ty, Quen, and Jordan are in the food-court." He explained.

I sniffled as I nodded. Jason sat next to me and let me cry into his shoulder. Sky and the others came back, sitting around me. Sky then took me in his arms.

"Chase's injuries aren't even as bad as some of the others'. He'll be fine."

"Who is here for Chase Tisch?" A doctor in a tall, white lab coat asked. I shot up.

"Is he OK?" I asked.

"He's fine," The doctor said. I breathed a sigh of relief. "He has a broken arm and a gash in his side, but that's all fixed and healing. But there is something we're concerned about."

"What is it?" I asked. Sky and Jason shot up, grabbing a hold of me in case I went into a break-down.

"He mentioned something having to do with Squids," The doctor said.

"Youtube," Husky said. "He runs a Youtube channel. My friend Sky does, too. Sky hates Squids. Chase hates Sky, so he loves Squids."

"No, it wasnt that." The doctor said. "He mentioned that they attacked him."

"We've all been having that," I said. "Too much computer time, I guess."

"We checked his brain waves and everything. He's perfectly fine. We were curious where that came from." He mentioned.

"Can we see him now?" I asked hopefully.

"He's eating right now. Give him a few minutes. I'll come back in a few to collect you."

I nodded and sat down. Mitch, Jerome, and Jesse came back with Ileyah and Todd. I explained what had happened.

While I was waiting for the doctor to get us, I thought about what he had said. Squids were interfearing with Chase's mind. They've interfeared with mine and Jesse's, and even Sky's. Something just isn't right. Could it be that Squids aren't just a Minecaft mob, but something even more than that? Or were we all just crazy?

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