Chapter 5: Let's sit down and relive horrific memories

Start from the beginning

"Why are you here?"

This is where it got tricky. "Something . . . something has occurred in my realm. It has upset the process of death and I have been sent to right it."

Blake's gaze was piercing. "What's happened?"

In normal circumstance, there was no way that she would have been allowed to tell him anything. He wouldn't be allowed to know anything about how death had stopped. As she was struggling with a way to make this clear to him, she just suddenly knew that it was alright to tell him.

"Something horrific, death has stopped and if I don't fix it then the world is in trouble."

He nodded and sat up, regarding her with weariness. He seemed more focused on her than the fact that death had completely stopped. "So you say you're Anya Royce."

"I'm Grim now, but when I was alive, yes I went by the name Anya."

"I don't believe you."

Grim rolled her black eyes. "So I've turned up identical to Anya and you say I'm not her."

"There is magic in this world," Blake said simply.

Grim sighed and gritted her teeth, hating to recount this tale. "I have proof I'm Anya. Ten years ago, when I was sixteen and you were eighteen, you found out I was your mate. You ran up to me and kissed me full on the mouth and smiled at me. You told me you were so happy, blah blah blah. I bet you didn't know that at that moment I forgave you, I forgave you for the three months of pain and torture you put me through. But you had to go and ruin it. You told me to meet you at the fountain, the one that was in the middle of the school yard. And I did."

Blake had gone very pale at this moment, and maybe even slightly green but Grim wasn't about to stop.

"I went there and I was so very happy. I was practically skipping. I sat there and nearly bursting with happiness waiting for when you arrived. You had your group with you – did you know I gave you guys the nickname the Hellish Six?—and you came up to me. Mary was grinning, and I think that's when I knew that everything was going to go wrong. Do you need me to remind you what happened next?" Blake shook his head so fast she was surprised his neck didn't crack. Grim grinned and continued, filled with such anger her hands were trembling.

"It started off with Mary and Eva- didn't it? - Jessica was supposed to join in but she couldn't. But Mary and Eva were strong enough on their own. They took my backpack off me and threw me in the fountain. I think that's when they begun to hit me."

"Stop," Blake croaked out. Grim ignored him.

"Then they actually ripped my clothes off if I think about it. I actually thought that they might have mercy at that point. I mean everyone was laughing and staring. Every single student either worshipped you or was petrified, which meant they just sat back and watched. After I was nearly completely naked except for a pair of underwear, and screaming for help, you helped drag me to the tree. I think it was you who pulled out the duct tape, but by that time I was so hysterical it could have been anyone. I do know you helped wrap my hands, leg and neck to the tree. Do you remember what you said to me then?"

Blake slowly nodded his head, while tears streaked down his cheeks.

"You said," Grim said slowly, leaning forward. "You said that you didn't even want to be seen with me, much less want to be with me forever. The last thing you said was that I was nothing, and then you turned and invited everyone to take pictures. I was tapped to that tree for half an hour before a teacher came and cut me down."

Blake buried his hands in his head. Grim leaned back, satisfied.

"So," she asked casually, "Do you believe I'm Anya now?"

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