Chapter 34

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-Weeks Later-

The day was bright but you had been sitting in the darkness. You couldn't cry anymore, all of the tears had been wept already, and there was none left to create a single droplet.

You laid on the ground and had no doubt in your heart that this was the end. It was over, your story was over.

There was a small knock on the door before a key unlocked it. The door handle slowly turned and you tried to watch as the light from the hallway entered the room.

A young lady walked in. Her hair was a strawberry color and her eyes were green.

"Hello Miss." The young woman said, she was wearing a black maids outfit but wasn't holding anything to clean with. You didn't respond to her.

"Miss, I've come here to give you some news. I also must escort you downstairs." She says, walking into the room and closing the door behind her.

"F-" you tried to speak but nothing came out.

"Ma'am, Prince Charles has found the dreadful Pirate Kirkland. Alfred and his troops had set out weeks ago in search for him and they have arrived back with him!" She smiled. She obviously didn't know the whole story.

"Prince Charles said you would be most delighted in watching his execution today, after all the terrible things he has done to you."

Your eyes became wide, you gasped. You tried to stand up but fell back down.

"Miss, please, I'll help you! There's no need to rush though, they wouldn't start such an important ceremony without you!" The red head said before taking you by the arm and carefully lifting you up.

You stood up, leaning against the woman before beginning to waddle towards the door, making your way downstairs as fast as you could.

As the two of you reached the courtyard you saw thousands of people gathered around, staring in awe at the sight before you.

Charles, standing in all of his glory with a small crown on top of his head, holding a long chain. You followed the chain to a pair of tied hands that you knew right away.

You could only see those hands on your stomach as the two of you slept together.

"Arthur." You croaked, the woman looked over at you, surprised.

"Ah! Finally!! Y/N has arrived!" Charles said, smiling down at you.

"Everyone! Please step out of the way and allow my bride to be come to the front!" Charles said, holding out his free hand to you.

Arthur's green eyes looked over at you but you couldn't bear to look back. If you saw those eyes one more time you would've killed yourself right then and there.

Arthur's mouth was being gagged by a handkerchief and he wore ragged clothes unlike his usual attire.

He stared as you found the strength to push yourself of the redhead and walk up to Charles and grabbing his hand with yours.

He lifted you up onto the podium with him and you looked down at your feet.

"Everyone! Please settle down now! Let us begin our ceremony!" Charles screamed towards the crowd.

"This man, Arthur Kirkland, took my young fiancé away from me! He abused her! Leaving bruises along her back and scars along her legs and stomach! He planned to kill her when the time was just right!" Charles continued to blab on nonsense as you stared at Arthur.

Your lip quivered, your eyes watered, and you found enough bravery to look up into Arthur's eyes. He was staring at you, his face was red, his eyes pained, his hair drenched in sweat. A tear trickled from his eyes and you felt your heart break into two.

"And these are the reasons why we have decided to have this menace hanged!" Charles states.

You gasp once again and turn towards him, begging him.

"D-don't do it!" Your voice was so hoarse that you could barley hear it. But Charles knew what you were saying.

"Guards!" He yelled and two tall muscular men walked over to Arthur, they slipped a rope around his neck and Arthur tried to fight back but knew he couldn't.

"Wait! No please!" You said, screaming at the top of your lungs. A few people in the first row heard it but not enough for the chanting to quiet down.

"Charles! Charles please!" You said banging on his chest. "Let me at least say goodbye!"

Charles faltered and looked down at you. He saw the hurt in your eyes, the desperation, everything.

"Please." You said to him.

"You're mine. Not his." Charles said before he nodded towards the guards.

Your heart stopped as you watched the wood beneath Arthur collapse and he fell.

Everything went silent, the only sound was of Arthur's desperations to somehow get the rope off of his neck.

You heard the slight chirping of a bird and looked around to see a small yellow bird flying across the sky.

Well, sorry guys, that's it.
The story is over.
I hope you enjoyed it..
Love you guys
    The author

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