Chapter 17

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"Arthur! Welcome back!" A man with a raggedy grey bread said from behind a table. "It's been a long time since I've seen you, my old friend!"

Arthur smiled at the old man.

"It has indeed. How have you been doing, sir?" Arthur said in response.

The old man smiled at this and walked over towards the two of you.

"I have been doing quite well. How about you?" He asks, giving him a small pat on the shoulder.

"I have also been doing well." Arthur replies before sighing a bit. "Do you have any new swords that are for sale, sir?"

"I do! I always do, and for you, Arthur, everything is 25% off!" The man said, smiling, before turning away and going into the back room.

He came back with 8 different swords on a long piece of leather.

The man then glanced over at you and his eyes widened.

"Please forgive me! I hadn't even noticed that we were in the presence of a lady! You usually have one of your sailors with you! I'm so sorry Ma'am. And what would your name be?" He said before holding out his hand to you.

You smiled before shaking his hand and replying.

"Y/N," you said. If it was possible, his smile grew wider.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, and may I say that you are very pretty." The man said, nodding his head just the slightest bit.

This caused you to turn a bit pink and you looked over at Arthur.

"Well thank you sir, that's one of the kindest things I've heard in a long time." You said back to the man.

He turns to Arthur before opening his mouth.

"Arthur, this ones a keeper, she is very nice." The man said to him. You felt heat rise in your cheeks as you heard those words.

Arthur just laughed as he studied the swords.

"Yeah, she is usually pretty nice." He said under his breath.

You rolled your eyes at his comment, but kept your mouth shut.

"So which one do you like the most?" The old man said to Arthur.

Arthur looked up at him, then down at the swords, then back up at him.

"You know, I'm not quite sure." He smiled, looking over at you. "Y/N, why don't you come over here and help me decide?"

You were shocked that he actually wanted your opinion on something, but you obliged anyway and walked over to him.

Gazing over the swords you took notice of one of them with ships engraved into the blade of the sword. The hilt was made of gold and had an picture on a lady dancing engraved into it.

You smiled at the sword and pointed to it.

"Ahh, that is a beautiful choice my lady." The man said, picking up the sword.

He held it out.

"It is perfectly balanced. Well, it's as balanced as and old man like me can get swords nowadays." He laughed a bit.

"Your lady, Arthur, has a nice choice in swords. Another reason to keep her." The man winked. You saw Arthur's cheeks tint for just a moment.

"I'll take it." He says. The man smiles at this and hands it to Arthur.

Arthur takes out his old sword from his belt and puts the new one in.

"Could you hold this for a moment please, Y/N?" Arthur's says, holding the old sword out to you.

You nod your head before taking the sword and looking down at it.

Engraved into the blade were two little girls and a boy. The hilt was gold as well as the new one but in cursive letters it read: family and love are the only two things I'll ever need.

You traced your fingers over those words, over and over before you were shaken out of your thoughts by Arthur.

"Cmon, Y/N, were leaving now." Arthur says, taking the sword from you and holding open the door for you.

"Come back soon, Arthur!" The man said, waving as we walked away. Arthur waved back before he was out of sight

"What are we doing now?" You ask him, taking note of the sun that was now setting over the horizon.

"We're going to the pub down the road. My sister is probably there by now." Arthur says before taking your hand lightly and pulling you along with him.

You heart began to beat at the speed of lightning. He was holding your hand. You couldn't control your thoughts, they were just bundled around in your head. You felt as if you might faint.

The two of you stopped at a small building with music playing inside. As Arthur opened the door for you, you immediately took note of the entire crew, drinking.

Rachael and Gilbert sat at a table with Toni and two extra seats. The two of you made your way over to them.

Rachael spotted you and followed your hands to see them intertwined with Arthur's.

With that, a smirk appeared on her face and she gave you a light wink. Your face became a light shade of red as you got to the table.

But when you tried to let go of Arthur's hand, he just held on tighter. Your breath hitched at that and you looked over at Rachael. Who was still smirking.

Even Toni had started to pick up on what was going on. Gilbert, the most oblivious person you knew, obviously had no idea what Rachael and Toni were smirking about.

"Did you get through all of your errands, Rachael?" Arthur asked Rachael.

She smiled at him and nodded her head before glancing over at you for a quick second.

"Hey there, Captain Arthur!" A voice said from behind the five of you.

Everyone turned in the direction of the voice to see a man.

Arthur stared at the man before replying.

"Hello there, what can I help you with?" Arthur asks. The man glanced at you.

"Oh not much, I just have a message from one of your pals." The man said, a smirk now plastered onto his grimy face.

"And who might this pal be?" Arthur said as the man held out a piece of paper to him.

"Captain Lukas." The man laughed. Arthur's eyes narrowed as he snatched the piece of paper from the mans hands.

He read it carefully, his face filling with anger.

"He just wanted me to tell you, you don't have much longer." The man grinned at him before beginning to walk away.

With that, Arthur stood up from his seat, grabbed the man, and punched him in the nose.

The whole pub went silent.



AYEEEE GUYS.      Hahaha sorry it's a bit of a cliffhanger but you'll be okay.
Okay, see you later!!

The Pirate and The Prince (Hetalia: Arthur X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें