Chapter 9

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You awoke to the sound of Arthur's snoring that echoed in the room. Your wrists hurt from the rope and you slowly massaged them, hoping that you could rub away the ache of what had happened earlier. You closed your eyes once more to try to sleep but found it almost impossible. The swaying of the ship made your stomach turn and the thought of what had happened made your face hot.

You pushed your blanket off of yourself and as quietly as possible placed your two feet to the wooden ground. Climbing out of your bed you noticed a picture frame sitting on the edge of Captain Arthur's desk. You mad your way to his desk and sat down in his chair, looking carefully at the frame. Staring at the picture you noticed a young blonde boy, maybe 9 years old, who you assumed to be Arthur and a young blonde girl, probably 6 years old, Rachael, standing in a grassy field. Above the two of them was a woman and man. Their parents?

You recalled your talk with Rachael the day before. Something had happened to their parents.. but what? You began to ponder. If they had a family, how did they end up here anyway?

You reached for the picture, successfully knocking an entire stack of Arthur's papers to the floor. Your eyes became wide and you looked over at Arthur to see him still sound asleep in his bed. You sighed in relief and began to pick them up as quickly as possible before noticing a very small picture flutter to the ground.

You picked it up to study it.

In the picture was a ten year old Arthur, a seven year old Rachael, and an even younger girl. You had never seen that girl in any of the other pictures. Who was this?

She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, like Rachael and she held a beautiful smile on her face. Who could this girl be? Wouldn't Rachael have told you if she was part of the family?

But the more you thought of it, the more you realized that Rachael may be hiding things from you. You studied the photo until you heard Arthur's snoring abruptly stop.

You shot up like a bullet and stuffed the picture under your pillow before jumping back into your bed and pretending you were asleep.

Arthur sighed before stretching and getting out of bed.

He noticed straight away the stack of papers that you had knocked down and slightly cursed under his breath before picking up the papers and beginning to put them back into order.

After stacking the papers up he sat at his chair, sighing. He looked over at you, taking in your features. He clenched his jaw before looking at the picture of Rachael and him. He sighed slowly and leaned farther into the back of his chair, caressing the picture.

You wondered if he was thinking about the girl. He shuffled through his papers delicately before he suddenly took a sharp breath in.

He looked through the papers again, as if something was missing. Oh crap. You felt the small photo from under your pillow.

He became frantic.

Now he stood up, pulling papers off of the pile and throwing them to the ground where you had previously knocked them down.

"Where the hell is she?" he muttered. He was obviously looking for the picture that you were holding. You held your eyes closed to stop them from shooting open wide.

"Oh no no no no nonononono." he says, grabbing some of his hair and tugging on it. You nervously squirmed on your bed, hoping not to be noticeable by Arthur.

He stomped out of his room onto the deck and you pulled out the picture before studying it again. Who could that girl be?


You woke up to hear screaming on the deck. It sounded like a girl but you had heard various men in the past sound exactly like that.

Looking around, you made sure Arthur was not in the room before changing and putting a on your combat boots- well, technically speaking they were Rachael's but whatever.

You walked out of Arthur's room to see Gilbert holding Rachael up in the air, she squealed at him, demanding him to put her down. Near by stood Arthur, who didn't look very amused, tapping his foot a bit.

Finally, Rachael spotted you and kicked Gilbert hard enough for him to let go of her and ran over to you. She didn't even seem to care that Gilbert was in pain because of her, which you thought was odd, but it made Arthur smirk a bit.

Rachael hugged you, startling you a bit, but you hug her back before you see Antonio dragging a man across the deck.

It was the man that pushed you overboard. You jumped back when you saw the angry expression that was upon his face when he saw you.

Rachael giggled a bit.

"What is he going to do to you, Y/N? Calm down." She says before walking over to the man.

"What are you going to do with her Arthur?" Rachael asked her brother He shrugged his shoulders before replying.

"I'm still deciding, what do you think? Slow and painful or fast and painless?" Arthur asks the two of you.

"Slow and painful." Rachael and Gilbert both say at the same time although Arthur hadn't asked for Gilbert's input.

You were shocked.

"W-why would you want him to have a painful death?!" You screamed at them, "that is terrible!"

You stood there, baffled that the two of them could think like that. Rachael looked at you, a bit of a sad face on.

"Y/N, he did something terrible to you. Dont you think he deserved to endure the pain that you went through?" Rachael says.

"I absolutely do not!" You say back to her.

"Well it is not your decision." Arthur states before walking over to the man.

He begins to tie the mans hands up nice and tight, then his legs and feet.

"Antonio, push him overboard." Arthur says. Your breath hitches.

"No." You say as Antonio begins to drag him to the edge of the boat. You began walking forward.

Rachael looked at you awkwardly.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Get away from him! He attempted murder!" She says, running towards you.

"You can't just throw him overboard!" You scream at them. Now everyone is looking at you, including the man who was about to be pushed over the edge.

"It's not your decision, Y/N." Arthur says, his voice clear and full of confidence.

"But... But you can't! He is a human too!" You screamed at him. Rachael looked at you like you were crazy. You knew that talking back could get you hurt, but you said it anyway.

Arthur stared at you with cold eyes. He then looked away and stared at Antonio.

"Whenever you are ready." Arthur says to him. Toni looks between the two of you as Rachael held you back.

"Toni, don't do it. please." You say, tears threatening to fall. You weren't so sure why you were so worked up about this. I mean, he was your murderer and everything. As much as you hated him you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.

Toni looked at you a bit sadly, then down at the man.

"Sorry about this dude, but, you deserve it." Toni says before yanking him up and pushing him over.

Your whole body stopped. You couldn't breathe.

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