Chapter 30

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"Y/N, what're you doing here?" You heard someone around you ask.

You opened your eyes slowly before seeing the blinding light of day and rolling over, throwing the blanket over your head.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Charles has been looking for you for hours! He's about to send everyone on watch!" You heard your father say.

You groaned slightly before pushing the covers off your face and looking at your father.

"Dad, I don't think I'm cut out for this." You said to him before holding up your hand that held the ring.

Your father sighed a bit before chuckling. He then sat himself down next to you.

"Y/N, I- I think we should talk." He said slowly.

Your eyebrows knitted as he said those words but you nodded your head anyway.

"Y/N, I know I haven't been the best father lately," he started, "I mean for Jesus Christ I let you get kidnapped by pirates!"

You sat there as you saw his face go red.

"I want to make it up to you." He said.

"Dad, you don't have to." You said slowly, pushing the blankets off of yourself and getting up.

"Y/N, look I'm sorry, I just got caught up into my business, just please, let me make it up to you." Your dad says, walking towards you.

"Dad. Stop." You said. You stepped away from him before continuing,"Dont you understand? You chose your work over me."

"Y/N, don't try to do this! Everything I did was for this family!" Your dad began to say in a stern voice.

"You had a choice dad! It was either your work or it was me. " You began to yell.

"I did all of it for you! So you could have the best life possible!" You began to yell as well.

"Well guess what dad, I didn't ask for any of this! I didn't ask for this huge house and you forced me to meet Charles! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have ever gotten engaged to someone I didn't love! This is all your fault! I don't love Charles! I love Arthu-" you cut yourself off as you realized what you had just said.

"Oh shit." You mumbled under your breath as you say your fathers eyes become wide.

"You what?!" He yelled before grabbing his hair and pulling on it.

You felt tears swell in your eyes as you looked at your dad. That was it. It was over. You had fucked up, and you knew it.

Before you even realized what you were doing you had ran out of your room, down your stairs and out the front door.

You just continued to run and run and run until you came to the castle.

You fell down to your knees and began to cry into your hands.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice say in the distance. You could hear a set of feet bounding towards you as you cried.

"Y/N! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Charles said as he kneeled down to you.

You continued to weep to yourself as he tried to pull a hand away from your face.

"Y/N? What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked staring at you.

"Charles," you said as you weeped, as he leaned down and hugged you.

This only made you cry even more.

"Come on Y/N, let's get you inside." Charles said as he took you by the arm and began leading you inside.


You had been sleeping for about 12 hours now when you heard heavy footsteps outside your door.

You opened your eyes to see yourself back into your room in the castle.

There was a small knock on the door and you sniffled before opening your mouth to speak.

"Come in." You said before coughing a bit.

"Ah, Miss Y/N, you look splendid." Alfred said sarcastically as he walked into the room.

"Alfred? What are you doing here?" You asked him.

"Charles asked me if I'd go wedding dress shopping with you, you know, since I'm the best man and all." Alfred said, giving you a small grin.

"Sorry Alfred, I don't think I'm really in the mood to do anything today." You said before flipping over in your bed to face the other way.

"Come on," Alfred said before pulling you out of the bed, "up you go."

He stood you on your two feet and helped you to the bathroom.

"First, we're not going anywhere with you looking like that." He said before closing you in the bathroom by yourself.

You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror and washing your face.

About 20 minutes later you walked out of the bathroom looking, well, looking not as bad as you did before.

Alfred was sitting on your bed waiting for you as you stepped out.

"Come on, Y/N, let's go." He said, taking you by the arm and walking you down the stairs and out the door.

You got into the carriage parked right outside and the second the door was shut Alfred removed the tie from his neck and gasped for breath.

"Shit, these things are the worst." He says as he throws it down on the ground.

"God, I need to get out of these clothes. How does anyone ever move in these things?!" He said, panicking a bit.

You began to laugh.

"Look away I'm gonna change!" Alfred

"What the? You're gonna change right now?!" You said as Alfred began shrugging off his jacket.

"A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do!" Alfred said as he began to unbutton his shirt.

"Look away! What are you doing?!" He yelled when he saw you staring at his bare chest.

"Sorry!!" You said before closing your eyes and turning your head but smirking inwardly because he had a nice chest, like Jesus it was really nice.

There was a few more minutes of shuffling before he sighed.

"Okay you can look now." Alfred said. You opened your eyes to see he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket.

"Gosh I was about to die in that thing." Alfred said.

"Then why were you wearing it?" You said, giggling a bit at him.

"Because Charles says I need to look professional while I'm in the castle." Alfred rolled his eyes, "I can never be myself while I'm in that stupid ass place."

You smiled at him realizing that you were now seeing Alfred's true side.

"Whew, now come on, we have much to talk about." Alfred said as the door was pulled open and the two of you stepped out.


Believe it or not I am actually in the car right now driving to NewYork so I can see two Broadway shows ^.^ so I thought why don't I give you guys a chapter to read!!!

Quite frankly this chapter is one of my favorite which sounds kind of crazy because it's not really an action chapter but I don't know why, I just really like it XD.

Anyway, have a nice day!! <3

The Author.

The Pirate and The Prince (Hetalia: Arthur X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now