Chapter 22

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There he was, standing in all of his glory, upon his ship as if he ruled the ocean, Captain Lukas. His blonde hair was poking out from the giant hat that sat upon his head and his eyes skimmed over the ocean as he located the ship heading his direction.

Arthur was already demanding people to be on guard while Lukas, well, he just sat there, not thinking there was to be a fight ahead.

As the two boats came close to each other, Arthur ran to the front of his deck to greet Lukas.

"Ahh, Arthur, it's been a long time!" Yelled Lukas over the sea.

Arthur's jaw clenched at his words but he forced a smile upon his face.

"Indeed it has." Arthur's said as the ships were only feet away from each other now.

One of Lukas' crew members pulled out a large plank and placed it down on their ship to our ship.

Then Lukas carefully walked over to Arthur's boat, clicking his boots as he went.

"What a lovely boat you have." Lukas fake complimented. Arthur grunted.

"We both know why we are here, let's get to it." Arthur stated firmly.

Lukas smiled and chuckled just a bit.

"Okay, hand over the princess and your sister is all yours." Lukas stated.

"You know that's not how this works. You must give me my sister first." Arthur said, his voice held steady.

This made Lukas laugh as he began to realize that Arthur was serious.

"Okay, fine." Lukas stated before snapping to one of his crew members.

The rigid man nodded his head before he began walking down the stairs. The floors in the basement were squeaky even under the lightest of feet.

The mean made his way down the corridor to the last door on the hall.

The door had chipped red paint smothering it with a bronze door handle that had been touched so many times that itself had began to rust.

The man twisted open the door nob and slowly opened the door.

Inside was a small bed, a bucket and a bowl of soup that looked as if it had been untouched. A small lamp stood in the corner of the room and a cardboard box with ripped ends lay on the floor with a small pile of clothes in it.

In the corner of the room sat a small teenage girl. Her once blonde hair was dark with dirt and dust. Her face slender and pale like the full moon. He shoulders were slumped in a position that looked almost in humane, with her two very weak, very small and place legs sticking out to either side.

Her arms were white and looked almost fragile, as if they could break at any second and her stomach was only skin and bones which proved that she hadn't eaten anything for a long time.

Her eyes only held one emotion as she looked up from the ground, licking her chapped, dry lips, fear.

The man walked into the room and grabbed the bowl of soup off the ground.

"We give you this food and this is how you repay us?! Not eating it?! Leaving it to mold on the ground and wasting it?!" The man said before walking up to her and kicking her straight in her clearly visible ribs.

She hit the ground hard and just laid there in her pain and agony.

The man dropped the bowl of soup onto the ground causing it to spill everywhere. A few dead bugs fell out of the bowl as well.

"Why haven't you been eating your food?" The man says, grabbing her arm and pulling her up to stare in this eyes.

She looked at him but could not speak.

"Whatever." The man said before trying to pull her to her feet.

She fell, not used to standing on her two feet which she felt hadn't been used in years.

He yanked her up and forced her to stand on her own feet.

She stood there shakily before she put a foot in front of the other and began to walk.

Her feet ached as she was half dragged across the ground and down the corridor.

The man came to the stairs and yanked her up each step as she tried to scramble to her feet.

As she made it to the deck, the light blinded her to the point that she fell once again to the ground.

The man yanked her up and carried her over to Lukas.

Arthur glanced down to see what the man was dragging so carelessly on the ground and nearly had a heart attack.

"Liz!" He screamed looking at her in terror.

Captain Lukas smiled. Lukas then knelt down to Liz and grabbed her by the chin.

"Ahh, such a lovely girl." Lukas said slowly, inspecting her.

Arthur stated at them and the anger slowly started to rise in him.

"That's enough Lukas, hand her over." Arthur said, causing Captain Lukas' hand to drop from Liz's face.

Lukas smiled before standing back up.

"As you wish." Lukas said before snapping his fingers to the man.

The man picked up Liz and threw her towards Arthur.

Arthur rushed to catch her and almost lost his grip on her when he finally did.

Lukas chuckled under his breath.

Gilbert can up from behind Arthur and grabbed Liz from Arthur's arms before beginning to walk away.

"Wait a moment." Captain Lukas said to Gilbert.

"Give me the princess before you stash her away." Lukas says.

Arthur smiled a bit before looking at Gilbert.

"Well, sir, Lukas, we only have one small problem here." Arthur said.

"And what would that be?" Lukas said.

"I do not plan on giving up Y/N to you." Arthur said before he signaled to Gilbert who began sprinting down the stairs with Liz and Arthur withdrew his sword.

"Oh, well then so be it." Lukas said before pulling out his sword and charging.

Okay yeah sorry I haven't updated in a while. It was just my birthday so I thought I might as well give you guys a little treat XD anyway love you guys and byeeee

The Pirate and The Prince (Hetalia: Arthur X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora