Chapter 11

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You shot straight out of your bed, pulling the blankets off and hitting the floorboards with a thud. Looking around, you searched for the conductor of that terrible sound.

Then you spotted it, Arthur. His hair was tossed and he squirmed in his bed. His eyes shut tight and a frightened expression on his face. A few more whimpers escaped his lips and he moved into a position that not even I can describe.

Your eyes widened in surprise at this. You weren't sure whether to go help or if you should just let it play out. You weighed your options and realized either way would be bad.

With that in mind you sprinted over to Arthur and held your hand to his head. His forehead was hot and sweaty with made you cringe a bit and wipe your hand on you PJs before placing your hands on his side to shake him.

You shook him as hard as you possibly could but he continued to scream and shake with fear. You wracked your mind thinking for possible solutions to the situation at hand and remembered how your best friend used to sleep walk. The only way to put her back to bed was to talk to her in her sleep.

You lowered your head to his ear and began to whisper to him.

"Arthur, Arthur, it's me Y/N. It's okay, everything is okay, you are fine. You are in a dream." You say. At first it only made it worse and he squirmed like a maniac. Then suddenly he calmed down to your soothing voice and he stopped squirming.

"That's better. You're fine." You say to him which leaves him with a small smile on his face.

You then walk back over to your bed and lay down. As you feel your eyelids getting heavy another terrible noise rushes through the boat.


Once again you bolted out of your bed and looked at Arthur. His legs were kicking and his screaming was more intense than before.

"Arthur!" You scream before running over to him once again. This time you shook him even harder, but still, he refused to wake up.

Sweat stained his pillow and his expression was scared. You wrapped you arms around him in attempt to comfort him.

His body was shaking as you held him, but soon it stopped and you heard a faint gasp.

"Y/N," Arthur whispered to you as you hug his torso. Slowly you lift your head from his stomach and look at him.

"Arthur, are you okay?" You ask him, a worried expression clear on your face. He looked nervously at you before biting his lip and shaking his head.

"No, I'm not okay." Arthur replies. You stand up and walk over to him before kneeling back down once more.

"What's wrong?" You ask him, cocking your head to the left a bit.

He just stared at you, a gleam in his eye. His face was pale as you watched him, waiting for an answer.

"Its that girl," You start, taking up all your courage to say what you were about to say, "the girl in that picture, the blonde one."

Arthur's eyes widen.

"How do you know about her?" He asks but you cut him off.

"Who is she?" You ask, watching Arthur squirm uncomfortably in his bed sheets.

"She's quite pretty." You say, recalling the young girl with beautiful eyes. Arthur just continued to stare, unsure of what to say.

"Y/N," he says, wiping some sweat off his forehead.

"Come here." he says before making you bring yourself closer to him. With that he holds you by the waist and lifts you into the bed before wrapping his arms fully around you.

You gasp in protest at his actions and try to tear free, but it's no use.

"Arthur, what are you doing?!" You ask him with a sharp tone. He snuggled his head into the crook of your neck.

"Please, I can't sleep tonight, I can't sleep unless you're with me." He says.

You could feel your face heat up at this and your heart was most likely doing backflips at the moment but you decided that maybe one night wouldn't hurt.

You placed your hands on his and closed your eyes. You fell into a very much needed, deep sleep.

You woke up to the sound of giggling people. Opening your eyes slowly you only notice the outlines of some people but as your eyes come into focus you can really see what was going on.

Rachael, Gilbert, Toni, and most of the crew were staring at you. At first you hadn't noticed why they were staring at you, but then it all came to you.

You looked over to Arthur sleeping like a baby and then back at the giggling crew and finally pieced it all together. With that you bolted out of the bed, yanking free of Arthur's grasp and straightening out your shirt.

Arthur awoke with a start and looked curiously at the crew before his eyes became wide as well. But instead of freaking out like you, he sighed and got up slowly from bed before yelling at the crew.

"None of you, except for Rachael are allowed in my room! Since all of you already knew this rule, you will all be skipping breakfast and lunch. And you will be cleaning the decks!" Arthur says before shooing them out of the room.

Rachael scooted towards you and whispered into your ear.

"You're a little red, darling."

You brought a hand to your face to feeling that your face was burning hot. Your eyes widen and you quickly cover your face with your hands.

"Rachael." Arthur says to Rachael.

"Arthur?" Rachael says back.

He seemed as though he was going to say something- either yell at her or diss her, but instead he sighed.

"Get out of our room."

Rachael smiled a bit before nodding and walking out of the room. As she opened the door you saw her run over to Gilbert and hug him, while laughing with Toni and a few others.

"I'm sorry about that, Y/N. I hadn't expected the whole crew to be watching in the morning." Arthur says after a long period of silence.

You ignore him and feel for under your pillow. You feel the smooth surface of the photo of the girl and find all of your courage to pull it out and ask him about it.

Slowly, you grasped it in your hands and pulled it from underneath your pillow.

"Arthur?" You ask him.

"Hmm?" He says before turning your way. You hold up the picture to him.

"Who is this?"

The Pirate and The Prince (Hetalia: Arthur X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now