Chapter 14

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You sat next to him for a long while, his eyes gleaming into yours.

As Arthur opened his mouth to speak the door was slammed open. Startling the two of you enough to jump away from each other to look at the door.

Rachael stood there with her hat on her head and the feather blowing in the wind.

"Arthur," She started, completely ignoring you. She strutted into the room, looking over at Max.

"Arthur. How long do we have?" Rachael asks looking over at the map hung up on the wall. Arthur gets off the bed quickly, glancing at you before looking back over at Rachael. He slowly approached her.

"Rachael," Arthur started watching Rachael nearly hyperventilate. "Take a deep breath."

This made you chuckle a bit as you watched them. Rachael just nodded her head before looking back at the map. Arthur also stared at the map before placing his finger to the place he circled.

"That's the coordinates, that's what Max gave me." Arthur started, looking over at Rachael for a moment. "And we are somewhere around here.

He pointed to a large patch of water pretty far away from the circled area.

"I think we have about a week before they come." Arthur finishes. Rachael sighs a bit, looking down at Arthur's desk.

She then reached from within her pocket and took out a small photo. The one she had taken from you.

"I thought I ought to give this back to you." Rachael says, glancing over at you before handing it to Arthur. As she stared at the photo, tears started to form in her eyes.

"Arthur," she croaked as she looked up at him. Arthur stared at her as a tear fell down her face.

"I miss her." she finished before wrapping her arms around his neck and crying into his shoulder. Arthur immediately hugged her back, embracing her tightly.

"We are going to get her, you just watch." Arthur says back to her. With that Rachael nods before pulling away from him and wiping her tears.

She looked over at you, who sat there, clueless and smiled a bit.

"It looks like the two of you made up huh?" Rachael started, walking over to you.

This causes you to glance at Arthur who nods his head and gives you a quick smile. You nod your head to Rachael.

"Good," Rachael sniffled, "If you're on good terms with my brother then you are on good terms with me." With that she walked over to you and hugged you.

This shocked you at first but soon wrapped your arms around her and smiled.

"I'm still sorry though, you're right, I shouldn't have been sticking my nose in places they shouldn't be." you said which caused Rachael to giggle a bit.

"It's fine, it's fine, don't worry about it." she waved it off before looking back over at Arthur.

"So are you planning on telling the crew or should I?" Rachael asked him. Arthur looked over at you with an apologetic smile before grabbing his sword and putting it in his belt.

"I'll go." he stated. The three of you walked out to the crew who was picking up all their cleaning supplies and whatnot.

"Attention." Arthur said quite silently but the whole boat still heard it.

"Most of you already know what is going on I assume." Arthur says looking at all the men who had stopped what they were doing for him.

"But I might as well tell you myself." Arthur started, he held the hilt of his sword tightly before beginning again.

"Captain Lukas is coming." Arthur started. "He should be here in a weeks time, and we best be ready for him."

"What does he want?" Toni asked over the crowd. The whole crew stared up at Arthur.

Arthur looked over at Rachael and glanced at you for quick second. Rachael shook her head as if to say 'don't tell them, not yet'.

Arthur looked back over the crowds.

"I will share that information at a later time. It's not necessary at the moment and will only put too much on your minds." Arthur said, pausing for a bit. "Get ready guys, we are all going ashore to get new supplies."

With those simple words, the men's faces lit up. Arthur rolled his eyes.

"But there will be restrictions." Arthur scowled at them, knowing what they were thinking. "Just because that land is 'our' territory does not mean you can go off with ladies for the night, you cannot burn anything, that includes you Gilbert." Arthur says, looking over at Gilbert.

"Damn it!" He shouted over the crowd causing them to chuckle.

"Also, don't get drunk. Just don't do it. Last time Rachael and I had to haul eight drunk people back into the boat in the morning. It was horrifying." Arthur said, causing some men to smirk at others.

"And I don't plan on doing that again!" Rachael shouted out to them.

"By the way, last time we were in port I had a couple of you guys hitting on me when you were drunk. If I get one more dude that isn't Gilbert hitting on me, I swear to god you will have the worst broken nose that you have ever endured! Do I make myself crystal clear?!" Rachael screamed at them, although she sounded like she was joking a bit .

The crew laughed at this.

With that, Arthur dismissed them and they headed off their own ways, laughing and dancing, all excited to get off of this wretched boat.

Rachael smiled at you before running off to Gilbert and laughing a bit.

"Don't worry A, Gil won't light anything else on fire. Isn't that right Gil?" Rachael said smiling at Gilbert.

He rolled his eyes before laughing.

"Fine, no fires, got it." Gilbert said before grabbing Rachael and picking her up bridal style causing her to yelp a bit before they walked off.

You watched as they walked away before you heard a door slam behind you and realized that Arthur had left you there.

You walked in after him and watched him as he held the picture of his younger sister in his hands.

"Arthur," you said. He looked over at you, placing the picture down on the table. He then walked over to you, looking down at you.

"What are they after?" You asked, fearing his answer.

Without warning, Arthur wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on the crook of your neck. You held him back.

The next word he said made your hair stand up on your back.




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