Chapter 33

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Alfred began walking down the hall before making his way down to Charles office.

Alfred knocked on the door but there was no response.

"Charles? Are you in there?" Alfred asked. Still there was no response.

Alfred put his hand to the doorknob, but then stopped himself.

He gained up his courage before opening the door.

"Charles, what is going on around here?" He asked, looking around the room. There was no response but the sound of a ticking clock.

"Charles?" Alfred asked again before looking around the room.

He then spotted the man. His hair was strewn across his desk that his head was laid upon and his arms wrapped around his head as if protecting himself.

"Charles. What are you doing?" Alfred asks, walking into the room up to Charles.

Still there was no response.

Alfred turned on the light in the room and pulled Charles arms to his sides.

"Alfred." Charles said slowly, trying to keep a steady tone, "Y/N doesn't love me."

Charles looked up at Alfred with red eyes and a few tears sprinkled around his face.

"Charles." Alfred started, walking towards him to comfort him.

"I'm just, I'm just." He started and his face changed from sadness to complete anger, "I just want to kill that Kirkland."

Charles got up from his desk and wiped away the tears with the sleeves of his shirt before looking back at Alfred with wide eyes.

"Alfred." He started.

"That's it! Alfred!" He smiled a bit at him.

"Alfred! You will be commander of the troops! You will lead them through the sea! To Arthur's boat! And you will bring him back to me!" Charles finished, a smile now present upon his face.

"What?!" Alfred started, "I couldn't! No way!" He said, beginning to back away from Charles.

"You and the troops will leave at dawn!" Charles said before walking swiftly over to his bedroom door and opening it up, leading to the hallway.

"Charles! You can't be serious!" Alfred said, walking over to him as the two of them stepped out of the room.

"I am beyond serious, Alfred! You're the most skilled fighter I have! You will do nicely as commander." Charles said as he made his way down the hall.

"You better start packing! I'll go tell the troops!" Charles finished before hurrying down the hallway.

Alfred stood there, bewildered.

He thought maybe he could make a run for it, dash into the woods and never return but he knew deep down inside that Charles would catch him.

He slowly made his way to his room to pack up his clothes.


You didn't know what time it was, the sun was setting fast and you were too tired to realize if it was dark outside or if that was just your eyelids that you were seeing.

You didn't know how long you had been crying for but the tears had dried on your face and the skin around your eyes had been rubbed raw. Your shirt was still moist from the tears that fell upon it and your hands were sore from banging on the door, hoping someone would let you out. Hoping someone would be there to help you escape.

Your vision became foggy but out of the corner of your eye you could spot a dark shadow coming from the window. It opened your window and let itself inside before pushing its dark hood off its head to reveal Arthur.

"A-Arthur?" You said. You could see his light blonde hair glimmering and his eyes shimmering.

He looked over at you and smiled.

"Y/N! It's you! I've finally found you!" He stated, running over to you and wrapping his arms around your body, holding you to him.

"Arthur, I thought I'd never see you again." You cried a bit.

"Y/N, I've got you, it's okay, everything is gonna be okay." Arthur said before taking off his cape and wrapping it around you.

"You're safe." He said as you closed your eyes and felt him pick you up in his arms and carry you towards the window.


"Y/N! What're you doing?! Get away from that window!" You heard someone shout from behind you.

You opened your eyes to see you had stuck one leg out the window and was in the process of putting the other one through too.

You looked around your room and spotted Alfred running over to you in horror.

"Y/N! Don't tell me you were about to jump! Don't tell me you were about to end yourself!" He said as he grabbed you and pulled you from the window before closing it and locking it.

You felt something heavy on your back and realized that you had draped a blanket on yourself.

"Alfred." You said before shutting your eyes.

He hugged you tightly before placing you down of the bed and backing up.

"Arthur." Was the last thing you said before you fell once again into a deep sleep.


I know. I know!!!! I'm so sorry. It's been such a busy three months! Please don't hate me! Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me.

So I have a perfectly good explanation for not updating. Well, I'm in highschool and it turns out that it's nothing like highschool musical smh.

I had to get myself back on track because bruh I was fallin.

Anyway, then I was super depressed for a month and I switched out Wattpad for sadness and well, pain. But don't you worry! I am all good now!

Also, I have been busy researching dogs and stuff because I get my dog at the end of July this year so I've been super busy with that.

And my friend is making me do this project with her for chorus class that we have been rehearsing for 2 months.

And I have to make a song for one of my classes and lemme tell ya, that sucks.

And I was gonna write something else but I forgot.

Anyway, I'm super sorry guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be writing a new one soon! I PROMISE!!

              The Author

The Pirate and The Prince (Hetalia: Arthur X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now