Chapter 28

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You gasped.

Everyone around the two of you had quieted down and everyone was staring. You're heart began beating out of control as you looked down at Charles gleaming eyes.

"Charles," you breathing hitched as you said his name.

At that moment Arthur raced into your mind. Arthur. Did you love him? You couldn't be sure. But what are the odds that he loved you back? More importantly, what were the odds you'd ever see him again?

You had to think about your future, you had to think what would pay off in the end.

"Ar- I mean, Charles." You stated mentally cursing yourself for letting that slip.

"Charles." You said again before taking a deep breath in.

Closing your eyes you opened your mouth to speak, but when you opened your eyes back up you were on the ship.

You gasped before sprinting into Arthur's room to see him lying on his bed.

You went to go shake him and as you did he smiled before grabbing you by the waist and pulling him into bed with you.

"Arthur! What're you doing?!" You laughed as he curled his arms around your waist and you looked into his eyes.

"Y/N, I'm just so happy to be here with you.. you make everything so much brighter." he smiled before caressing your cheek.

"Y/N?" you heard Arthur ask.


You were then shook out of your imagination and found yourself back in the ballroom, Charles kneeling before you. You stared down at him with wide eyes and felt tears threatening to fall.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Charles asked, his face a bit red since you hadn't answered yes or no yet.

"Charles, I." You said but made yourself pause as you looked around the room. You spotted Alfred, eyeing you curiously. His blue eyes looked straight into yours and his eyebrows knitted as if asking you why you hadn't answered yet. He then folded his arms over each other and licked his lips before a smirk formed upon his face.

You looked back over at Charles and took in another deep breath.

"Charles, of course i'll marry you. I-I love you." you said slowly to him and tried to form a smile on your face.

Charles face lit up at those words and he jumped up from the ground and helped you slip on a gorgeous diamond ring.

"You have made me the happiest man in the world, Y/N!" He smiled at you and you smiled back. He then grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him before kissing your cheek and twirling you around. 

You tried to giggle as everyone clapped around you and as you watched the crowd you spotted something. Something different.

A hooded figure stood in the back of the crowd, draped in black. Blonde hair fell from under the hoods protection and bright blue eyes gleamed. As the figure slowly turned towards you you realized who it was. Rachael.

Her face was pale as if she had just seen a ghost, her eyes were the size of the moon. (because its nine in the afternoon. Omg I crack myself up XD)

"R-Rachael," You manage to squeak out. Charles follows your eyes to her and furrows his eyebrows.

"Rachael Kirkland?" Charles asks. At that moment everyone fell silent again. A few whispers came from the crowds saying 'isn't she Arthur Kirkland's sister?' and 'She's a pirate!'.

She slowly put her hands up and took off her hood, her blonde hair falling out and resting onto her shoulders.

"You know it, Charles." She replies before smirking just a bit.

"Get her!!" Charles screams. Guards begin to run towards her as she pulls out her sword and smiles a bit.

"You can try to catch me, but you wont!" She says before she begins running full speed and jumps up onto a table. From there she climbs herself up a curtain and sits on a window sill high above everyone.

"Charles! How many times do we have to talk about this?! I always win during fights." She grins at him.

"But don't get sad! Maybe one of these days you'll be able to catch me.. but until then you better watch out!" She laughs before gripping her hands to the top of the window.

"By the way, congratulations on the engagement, I can tell how excited Y/N is." Rachael giggled to herself before winking at you and swinging herself out the window.

The room was dead quiet.

Before you knew it you were running towards the ballroom exit and down the grand hall. You made it the foyer before pushing open the doors to the front of the castle just in time to see Rachael running off into the distance.

"Y/N!" Charles said, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"What did she mean by all of that?!" Charles asked, turning you around to face him.

"I don't know." 

"What did she want?!"

"I don't know."

"Why was she here?!"

"I don't know."

With that you pushed past him and began walking down the hallway.

"The party is over, tell everyone to go home." You said as you walked.

"But Y/N-"

"The party is over, Charles!!" you screamed at him before turning towards him to show him the tears streaming down your face.

His eyes widen and he nods his head before leaving for the ballroom.

You walk up the staircase and slowly make your way to your room. As you enter you flop yourself down on your bed and begin to cry. You begin to cry like a baby.

Tears were everywhere, drenching your pillows and blankets. You knew your makeup was ruined but you didn't care. 

A half an hour later there was a knock at the door. You dried one of your last tears before looking over at your visitor.

"Come in." You stated to see Charles in the doorway.

He smiled at you halfheartedly before walking over to you and your bed.

"Y/N." He said.

You looked up at him with red, tear-stained eyes.

He then collapsed onto the bed with you and pulled you close to him.

You began to cry again into his chest as he stroked your hair. He had no idea what was wrong with you or why you were so upset, but he was determined to keep you happy. He loved you. With his whole heart.


wow what even is this chapter?

Anyway.. you guys are awesome but you are very upfront with your theories on this book which really makes me happy. I love hearing about what you guys think is going to happen next and it actually gives me some really good ideas of what I should do next.. I have mostly the entire structure of this story laid out but its good to have smaller things to fill into it.

So always feel free to share your ideas and thoughts about the story!! Just try to keep them positive!!

Love, me, the author

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