Chapter 20

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It had seemed as though the two of you had been sitting out there for ages.

But you didn't mind. Laying on Arthurs chest relaxed you.

You could feel him messing around with your hair as you stared up at the stars.

Soon, you found yourself falling asleep.

Arthur got up before picking you up in his arms and carrying you down the hill.

His arms were tightly holding you against his chest, still, you slept peacefully.

Arthur turned back into the long dirt road of little shops and games. He looked up at the moon as he walked with you in his arms.

As he reached the end of the road, he stood at the harbor, facing his ship before climbing aboard.

He brought you across the deck and into his room.

Carefully, he placed you into your bed and pulled the covers up to your chin.

A warm smile fell upon your face as he did this and you snuggled into the blankets.

Arthur let out a sigh before reaching to your cheek. He caressed it slowly, softly, before pulling his hand away and walking over to the other side of the room.

Quickly, he opened the door to his room and walked out onto the deck.

"Dammit Arthur, what the bloody hell is wrong with you!" He said to himself. He tugged at his own hair as he talked.

"Saying those things to her! You must be insane!" He yelled.

Soon, he caught his breath as a gust of cold air came upon him.

He pulled up his jacket a bit, now able to see his own breath and hurried into his room.

You still slept there, soundly, just where he left you.

He smiled at you before taking his shirt off, turning off the light and getting into his bed.

He rolled around in his bed a bit as he tried to fall asleep. Which caused you to open your eyes.

You stared at the blonde man, who was now busy scratching his back.

You smiled a bit before slowly you pushed the covers off of you and let you feet touch the floor softly.

The floor was a bit cold at first but you feet were able to get used to it.

You tiptoed over to Arthur before pulling up his covers a bit and slipping into his bed.

Slowly, you placed your arms around his torso which caused him to face towards you.

He grazed his fingers over the sides of your torso. Then he slowly put his hands on either side of your torso, relaxing you.

Your faces were nearly inches- no, millimeters away from each other and your noses were just about touching.

He looked down into your eyes as you stared up into his.

He slowly raised his hand back to your cheek. Slowly tracing over your jawline.

A slight blush sprinkled across your cheeks as he did this.

You put your chin down a bit in your embarrassment which only caused his delicate fingers to pull you back up.

His hand found his way over your lips, slightly touching your delicate skin.

Then, slowly, he brought his hand up through your hair, stroking it lightly.

You let out a slight yawn before looking back into Arthurs eyes.

"You should sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day." Arthur smiled at you.

You nodded your head a bit before turning around in the bed to face away from Arthur.

Arthurs arms slithered around your waist and pulled you into his chest.

You smiled at this a placed your hands on top of his.

You closed your eyes slowly as you could feel Arthurs chest on your back, embracing you.

Soon, you fell asleep once again. Leaving Arthur to stare up at the ceiling alone.

So much was going on through his mind at the moment that he could not even bare the thought of sleep.

He thought about you, a lot, but he also thought about tomorrow and Liz, and everything.

He looked over at you for a quick moment to see you sleeping soundly.

His smile grew as if you had calmed him and he closed his eyes, still holding you in his arms.

Little did he know exactly how chaotic it would be the next day


Hey guys!! Sorry this is such a short chapter!!! Anyway this might sound crazy but we don't have many chapters left in this book!!! I'm thinking of doing an America x reader next!!

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