Chapter 29

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You awoke the next morning to the sound of Charles snoring. Your head was still placed soon his chest and your eyes felt of dried tears.

You slowly lifted your head up and got out of the bed before walking out of your room. Leaving the sleeping man behind.

You did glance back once to see his sleeping figure with his hair tossed to one side and a small smile upon is face.

You walked down the stair case before noticing something sparkly on your hand. You looked down to see your ring.

You hadn't really had a chance to see it before but now that you were up close with it you realized how beautiful it was. It had to have costed Charles a fortune.

You began to walk again and was stopped by the Queen in the hallways.

"Y/N! You're up so early!" She smiled at you, swiping her hair off of her shoulder.

"Yeah, I just woke up actually." You stated back.

The queen nodded her head before drifting her eyes down to the ring on your finger.

"You look beautiful in that ring, Y/N." The Queen said.

You lifted you hand up to look back down at the ring and smiled a bit.

"Thank you ma'am." You said before looking up at her again.

"You can call me mom if you'd like, Y/N." The queen smiled. You smiled back at her before walking down the hallways and to the front doors.

You pushed them open and headed outside, you wanted to go home for a while.

When you knocked on the door to your house there was no answer. Which you thought was very peculiar.

Nevertheless you walked in and Bella jumps onto you, tackling you to the ground.

She began licking your face as you tried to pull her off of you.

"Hey Bel!! Where's mom and dad??" You asked her. Bella just barked in excitement and jumped around the room.

You smiled, walking into the house to see it hadn't changed a bit. Slowly you walked upstairs to your room and got into the bed before closing your eyes and beginning an amazing sleep.


Rachael climbed up onto the ship, her blonde hair blowing in the wind as she looked at the crew.

"Where is Arthur?" She asked, looking at Toni. He grunted a bit before looking over at Arthur's room.

"The same place he's been since Y/N left." Toni said slowly before beginning to mop the floors again.

Rachael began strutting across the deck before opening the door to Arthur's room.

Arthur lay on his bed, facing the wall so you could only see his back.

"Arthur, get up." Rachael commanded. Arthur groaned before turning to face her.

"Look, Arthur, we have a minor set back on our plan.. Well, on my plan." Rachael said.

"What's the problem?" Arthur said as he pulls himself into a sitting position.

"It's Y/N," Rachael started, "Charles asked for her hand in Marriage."

Arthur's green eyes became wide as those words left her mouth.

"And Y/N?" Arthur asked, standing up now and beginning to walk towards Rachael.

"She said yes." Rachael replied, pulling some hair away from her eyes.

Arthur stood there for a moment, too shocked to do anything, but then collapsed onto his bed so you couldn't see his face.

"Pull yourself together, Arthur!" Rachael said as he laid there.

"It's not like Y/N wants to be engaged to him. She was under-pressure, she didn't know what she was doing." Rachael states.

Arthur stood up once again before glaring at Rachael.

"Just get out of my room." He stated firmly.

Rachael pointed her nose to the sky before walking out and down the stairs to her room.

"Liz?" She said, creaking the door open.

Inside, on Rachael's bed laid a very small girl, still pale as can be but much more nourished and healthy.

"Hey Liz." Rachael said slowly, walking up to her. Rachael placed her hand onto Liz's head to feel her temperature.

"You're doing great Liz. you're doing so much better." Rachael smiled before sitting down next to her and smiling.

Liz tried smiling back before she fell asleep.

Rachael sighed before standing back up and walking around her room.

"Hey Rach." Said a voice from the doorway.

Rachael turned to face the person and realized it was Gilbert.

"Gil, what're you doing here? You shouldn't be getting out of bed! You're not healthy enough." Rachael said before running over to him.

He smiled a bit before clutching his stomach in pain.

"Have I ever followed the rules?" He stated. Rachael laughed at him a bit before walking over to him.

"No, but you've always gotten caught." She smiles before taking his hand.

"Cmon, you have to go back to your bunk." Rachael says, helping Gilbert away from her room.

"Can't I just stay with you?" Gilbert asks, his eyes helpless.

"No. You know how Arthur feels about that." Rachael says before sitting down on Gilbert's bunk with him.

Gilbert sighed before opening his mouth to speak.

"I came over to see how the mission went, did you get to talk to Y/N?" Gil asks.

Rachael's face became stoic for a moment but then softened.

"Not really, in fact, the mission was no where near a success." She paused, looking down at her hands, "Prince Charles."

Rachael stopped once she said his name.

"Prince Charles has asked for Y/Ns hand," she stated, "Y/Ns hand in marriage."

Gilbert's eyes because wide and he let out a small gasp.

"And Y/N? What did she say?" Gilbert asked, sounding quite concerned.

Rachael just nodded her head, to afraid that she'd let out a cry if she opened her mouth.

Gilbert embraced her in a hug as she sat there.

"Rachael! Rachael!" Rachael heard someone call from upstairs. Rachael looked up from her hands to see who it was.

"Rachael! It's Arthur! He came out of his room!" Toni said, running down the stairs as fast as he possibly could before missing a step and falling down the rest.

"Oh my god." Rachael said as she jumped up from the bed and looked at Gilbert.

"You have to stay here Gil!" Rachael yelled behind her as she jumped over Toni who was trying to scramble to his feet and ran up the stairs taking them two at a time.

Lol so I wanted to give you guys something this Christmas Eve but I didn't really have much to write for this chapter.

This chapter mostly focused on Rachael because I think she needed more character development!!

Sorry this chapter wasn't that good but happy early Christmas!!!

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