When it rains, it pours.

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"What do you mean she's in rehab?!" I exclaimed as I ran my fingers angrily through my hair. "She's really sick and I want her to get better, don't you?" Dad asked sympathetically. "HOW COULD YOU EVEN ASK ME THAT!!! YOU'RE THE REASON SHES SICK!!!" I swung at my dad but Kiera grabbed my hand before I could hit him. "Let's just go," Kiera whispered in my ear. I nodded my head as tears fell down my face. I actually didn't know why I was mad at my dad, it wasn't even his fault. I was just hurting.

Me and Kiera left the house and took the bus to the nearest stop near Michaels house. We walked the extra six blocks. Michael had gave us a key to his house so once we got there I used the key to get in. I heard slight moaning coming from upstairs so I looked at Kiera, we both exchanged confused glances. She put her index finger to her lips and slowly walked upstairs, carefully not making any noise.

I followed behind her. She pressed her ear towards Michaels door. My heart was thumping against my chest. Would Michael purposely hurt me? Kiera pulled her ear from the door and covered her mouth in shock. "He's having sex," I said as I stared blankly at the door. "Jazz maybe we should go," Kiera suggested as she grabbed my shoulders. I walked towards the door and touched it. That's when the tears came rushing down my face. He was just playing with my emotions. He didn't give a fuck about me. I pushed the door open and watched as Michael and the Spanish girl scrambled to pull the covers over their naked bodies. I ran over to Michael and punched him in his face repeatedly. "OWWWW SHIT!!" He screamed as he tried to block his face from my punches. The girl hopped up and ran out of the room. "I TRUSTED YOU!!!!!!" I yelled as I continued to hit him. Kiera came and grabbed me. "I hate you,". I spit on him as Kiera dragged me away.

Me and Kiera left Michaels house. We didn't have anywhere else to go. We roamed the streets until the sky began to darken. "We gotta go back Jazz it's getting dark," Kiera suggested. "You can go back. I can't face him after what he did," I said lowly. "No I ain't gonna leave you," Kiera said as we continued walking.

That night we didn't have anywhere to sleep. We just rested on a cemented ground by a store. When we got to school we both were aware that we didn't look our best but education was important to us. We rarely missed school. Of course Kimberly and Lindsay bombarded me with a million questions but I didn't tell them anything. When the last bell rung I rushed out of my class only to be pulled back. I whirled around, ready to face whoever grabbed me. That's when I noticed Evan's sympathetic face.

"What?" I asked rudely. "You look.....bad," He said. "Tell me something I don't know,". "You're still beautiful," He responded with a smile. "Evan I have to go," I stated as I rushed towards the exit of the school but someone grabbed my hand before I could leave. I turned around and noticed Evan. "Tell me what happened," He said seriously. The tears rushed down my face unwillingly.

That would never happen ( A Trey Songz story)Where stories live. Discover now