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Me and Kimberly stayed up all night talking about what happened. Her mom said I could stay there for as long as I wanted. Kimberly let me borrow some of her clothes for school. They were a little big but they fit. In the morning Kimberley let me go into the bathroom first unlike Kiera who always woke me up late on purpose so she could get into the bathroom first. Kiera's mom cooked bacon and eggs for us to have for breakfast. Then she gave us both packed lunches before we left to catch the bus.

"Hey Jazz I heard what happened I am so sorry," Lindsay embraced me in a tight hug.

"What did you hear?" I asked her seriously.

"Oh Tina told me that Todd told her that jasmines boyfriend Keith saw you get raped last night," Lindsay explained.

"WHAT?!?!" I shouted. "I WAS NOT RAPED LAST NIGHT!!!!".

People at the bus station began to whisper things among themselves.

"Oh that's what I heard," Lindsay shrugged.

"She wasn't raped she just had a misunderstanding with her mom," Kimberly said.

"Oh," Lindsay mumbled uninterested.

The bus came and everyone got on. The bus driver looked me up and down before she said something.

"No smart comments today?" She glared at me.

"No maam," I said politely. Once I got to school everyone was looking at me and whispering things to each other. I knew they were talking about me and it made me extremely uncomfortable. I opened my locker and grabbed the books I needed. Once I closed my locker I came face to face with Bianca. People used to tell me that she was jealous of me but I never believed it. I mean who would be jealous of me?

"Well well well look what the wind blew in," She rolled her eyes at me as her posse stood bravely behind her.

"Excuse me," I tried to walk pass her but she blocked me.

"I heard you got raped yesterday," She chuckled along with her posse.

"I guess the daddy who brought you everything wanted," She glanced at my private part. "Something in return," People gasped in shock.

I grabbed her curly hair and wrapped it around my fist. I swung her frail body across the freshly cleaned hallways.

I punched her In her face a couple times then I let loose of her hair and spit on her.

"My father would never hurt me," I cried as her friends stood there in shock. The hall monitors came and dragged me away.

That would never happen ( A Trey Songz story)Where stories live. Discover now